Writer #11468
Joined 4/3/2015
5 Star Rating
99% Success
3,887 Projects
52 Endorsements
2 Elite Skills
Over two decades of professional writing experience for print and online media. A content creator for major corporations covering topics spanning a broad spectrum of industries including performance-based affiliate marketing, Health & Fitness, SaaS Software, Personal Development, Product Descriptions, Web Content, News, Finance, Current Events, and more.

Experienced with new SEO tools like:
Surfer SEO

10+ years experience as a freelance fiction editor
Launched business in 2010 offering professional business writing services

Specializing in Articles, Landing Pages, & SEO-Relevant Research

Specialty subjects include: health and fitness, current events, marketing analytics, personal development, leveraging social media, SEO, business development, cloud computing, language, and politics

Member: International Association of Professional Writers & Editors

To help businesses and entrepreneurs develop brand authority through research, narrative, and strategy.

Recent Clients
Mail Chimp
Magnolia Games Testers, DE
Anonymous novelists
Product Description


-Tech & Online Marketing; Including long-form articles for clients like Mailchimp, DL is versed in SEO, local & global level marketing, B2B Cybersecurity, and More.
- Blog Posts; Great content for your audience based on in-depth research for an inside scoop type of expertise
- Product and service reviews; gadgets, websites, industrial equipment, cars & trucks, travel ad and vacation destination description.
- Health & Wellness; addiction medicine, home health care, fitness and mental health.
- Professional life / Productivity; time & resource management, business psychology, developing executive function.
- News & Current Events; politics, breaking news, editorials.
- Education; web resources, professional development for college graduates, study skills and pedagogy.


Science, Medicine, Consumer products, Politics, Psychology, Education, Technology, World events, History, Art and Literature.


Cuesta College, Del Technical

With a focus on experimentation and travel, DLM has developed a unique and perspicacious writing style that leaves nothing unclear and nothing to chance.


485 Projects Completed

As a former nursing assistant and EMT as well as some training in psychology and fitness medicine, DL is uniquely qualified to write on number of out-patient, elder/dependent care. He is currently studying addiction medicine at Dover City College.


242 Projects Completed

DL has written many reviews of web services, gadgets, and other technological whirligigs. A technology buff himself, he particularly enjoys highlighting the innovative features of new devices, cars, tools or whatever the client may need reviewed. DL enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for meaningful advances in technology so that consumers will have a better idea of just how much value they can experience with new products.


164 Projects Completed

Web copy for numerous legal experts and specialty attorneys in;
-Personal Injury
-Divorce & Family Court
-Estate Sales
-Traffic Law
-Real Estate
-Criminal Defense


17 Projects Completed

Humor is an invaluable aspect of most of DL's fiction and political writing. Satire and cheeky commentary can sometimes reach a broader audience where they would otherwise be put off by information contrary to their beliefs.


2,799 Projects Completed

Difficult as it is for freelance writers to find work writing articles on topics of interest to the writer, DL has had a few opportunities to do just that. His interest in culture and politics has allowed him to publish stories that would be challenging to a mainstream audience and have helped him to carve out a small niche for himself in social media.

Product Description

104 Projects Completed

Product description is DL's staple freelance style. Whether in product, review, comparison, DL is especially proud of his brand of product description which is focused on highlighting the superior features of a product without sounding like a commercial. This way buyers are able to connect with the most exciting and meaningful aspect of the products they want and use on a daily basis.


76 Projects Completed

As the operator of an active You Tube channel with a small, but dedicated following, DL has built up a considerable amount of experience writing scripts for video presentation, interviews, short lectures, comedy and commentary. He has experimented with a range of tones and styles so that he can produce content for a wide variety of clients.

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