Rose C
Writer #11038
Joined 1/3/2015
4 Star Rating
98% Success
2,456 Projects
0 Endorsements
1 Elite Skills
Rose has her bachelor's and master's degrees in elementary education and special education respectively. She taught K-4 special education for four years while her husband was in medical school. Upon moving to Milwaukee, WI for her husband's medical residency, she was ready for a change of pace and took up freelance writing. She has been freelance writing full-time since June 2011. During this time, she has gained long-term clients through several major writing and freelance platforms. She also writes for an SEO and content marketing team and manages a passive income writing portfolio under her own name at HubPages.
White Paper
Real Estate
Blog Post
Email Copy
Search Marketing


Rose uses her education background to write articles on topics ranging from pre-literacy activities for parents of preschoolers to strategies for moving to a new town with a child with autism. She is passionate about photography and arts and crafts and looks for opportunities to write about photography and DIY projects for clients.


When she's not writing, Rose loves to use her DSLR camera as an excuse to get out and explore new places in Milwaukee. She also enjoys eating out, going to concerts, and attending cultural festivals and other events in the area with family and friends.


Valparaiso University

Rose has her Bachelor of Science in Education from Valparaiso University. She majored in both elementary education and classics.

Morningside College

Rose completed her Master of Arts in Teaching through one of Morningside College's satellite campuses while holding a full-time special education teaching position.

Real Estate

1,001 Projects Completed

Over the past three years, Rose has written extensively for multiple real estate blogs. She is well versed in the varying aspects of buying and selling homes such as curb appeal and closing costs. Rose knows how to discuss these topics in a manner that is approachable for new and veteran home buyers alike. She also is comfortable researching and writing about local events and attractions such as restaurants and museums.

Search Marketing

301 Projects Completed

Rose is well versed in current search marketing tactics including long-tail keywords, detail rich content, and optimized tags as well as the importance of analytics. She is familiar with the concept of responsive web design and understands the importance of mobile friendly content and marketing practices.


107 Projects Completed

Rose uses her background in education to write on varying topics for teachers and parents including curriculum, educational games, and craft projects. She is comfortable writing about general and special education classroom settings for preschool through middle school.

Blog Post

1,017 Projects Completed

Rose has written blog posts on an extensive range of topics including, but not limited to, real estate, education, self storage, DIY projects, content marketing, search engine optimization, health, and office supplies. She is comfortable researching and writing about new and familiar topics in a way that is approachable for readers and that fits the voice of a given blog.

Email Copy

20 Projects Completed

Rose has experience writing stand alone email copy as well as email copy for pieces that she has written. For example, she might write a blog post for a dental group and then also write an email to promote the blog post. She knows how to make email copy concise yet engaging, encouraging readers to click through to the content.

White Paper

10 Projects Completed

Rose is comfortable researching and writing on new and familiar topics for white papers. She is familiar with the process of creating an outline and then expanding on varying points within the white paper to meet the word requirement for a given client. Rose knows how to set up goals to craft longer content for clients so that she can deliver it in a timely fashion.

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