Video game advances, comic books, pet care (small animals such as fancy rats and hedgehogs), and tabletop gaming.
Video Games, Reading (Science Fiction/Fantasy), Comic Books, Movies, Tabletop Gaming
Studied programs to help prepare for college, extracurricular activities included Future Leaders of Coldwater (held Presidential status for two years until graduation in 2005).
Coding medical procedures for billing to third party insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Writing copy and blurbs for her own short stories has allowed her to become more proficient in romance copy. Sarah has shown that she is quick to think on her feet when given an assignment. She has a sense of humor about her work that shines through. Romance copy is her forte, but she is proficient in all types.
Sarah has spent quite a bit of time in the electronics field. Whether it was comparing and contrasting the range of hand-held consoles for a parent to buy for their child, or helping someone choose the correct car stereo for their car, having a finger on the pulse of tech is definitely a good thing.
Sarah has over ten years of gaming hands on experience, both playing and reviewing. She has owned every console up to the newest generation, and she reviewed games for customers as part of her job description working for Gamestop. (It's easier to tell someone about a game when you've played it, after all.)
Sarah has spent several years owning fancy rats, and before that, has owned other exotic pets, such as an African Pygmy Hedgehog, Albino Peacock Cichlids (a type of fish), and a Nenday Conure. Taught to care for and love small animals since she was little, she enjoys raising and providing homes for smaller and less seen species of fuzzy, scaly, or feathered animals.
This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.