Michele D. specializes in product descriptions, blog posts, and poetry.
Michele D,'s interests include skateboarding -- especially longboarding, poetry, teaching Vacation Bible School, and arts and crafts.
Michele D. earned her Juris Doctor degree from a Pennsylvania law school. She began attending the school the same year that she received a Bachelor of Arts degree from a "Public Ivy" college in Virginia. Her undergraduate major was Government/Political Science.
For Michele D., shooting, directing, and editing a short documentary for late playwright Sterling Houston was one of her best multimedia experiences. It enabled her to use multiple videography skills and allowed her to interact with a diverse group of elders in the San Antonio community. Her freelance writing skills have come into play in most of her projects.
Michele D. landed her first full-time retail job in 1995, working as a sales associate at a high-end department store during the busy holiday season. Her freelance writing experience in this industry began over ten years ago with mystery shopping. Most recently, her work includes product descriptions and other content marketing.
Michele D. began writing about spirituality in 1992 following her salvation experience. As a longtime creative writer, she has written numerous Christ-centered poems, blog posts, flash fiction pieces, and autobiographical essays. Her most recent blog posts have been excerpts from a 2010 booklet she wrote following a near-fatal medical emergency. Michele D. also organizes semi-regular praise poetry readings at her local library.
This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.