Over a 32-year career in engineering Mark has specialized in technical writing and testing and statistical tools such as Highly Accelerated Life Test (HALT) and Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS) to make electronic and electromechanical products more reliable. Recent focus areas include writing about businesses that have successfully used high technology and innovation to return value to investors.
In addition to engineering and finance, Mark has a vast knowledge of many topics including technology, innovation, investing, business, sports, history, and politics.
Achieved Magna Cum Laude.
Mark has published more than 250 articles for financial web sites The Motley Fool and Benzinga.com which are focused on how innovation and technology influence business and investing. He is currently researching a book that will describe how the retail investor and small business owners can profit from the Internet of Things (IoT), which is networking seemingly ordinary items such as deadbolts and lights with smart objects such as computers and cellphones.
Mark retired after a thirty-two year career at United Technologies Corporation (UTC) working on electronics in the aerospace and commercial building industries, including preparing several papers and tutorials and presenting at industry conferences and workshops in North America, Asia, and Europe.
During a thirty-two year career at United Technologies Corp (UTC) and utilizing a degree in electrical engineering from the University of Hartford Mark developed many high-tech processes and methods including analysis of product failure data in the field and during testing in the lab.He also was a nationally known expert in the reliability testing tools Highly Accelerated Life Test (HALT) and Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS). He has performed well over 250 tests on various types of electronic products used in the elevator, HVAC, and aerospace industries.
Mark has written articles for The Motley Fool and Benzinga.com He has personal blogs at mathman6577.wordpress.com and reliabilityman6577.wordpress.com.