Christopher C
Editor #50261
Joined 6/16/2020
4 Star Rating
5,595 Projects
With an MFA in creative writing and 10 years of experience as an editor and instructor, Chris hopes to bring a breadth of experience to your writing projects.

He began teaching writing courses and working for literary journals while completing his Master of Fine Arts degree at Florida State University. Chris has held full-time teaching positions since 2013 and he currently serves as a Lecturer of English in the Department of Writing & Linguistics at Georgia Southern University.

He also co-founded Blacktop Passages, a literary journal of the road, in 2013. Blacktop publishes essays, short fiction, poetry, and photography, and Chris copy edits every piece they publish.

Chris looks forward to bringing a critical and creative eye to your commercial writing needs.


Proofreading: Editing a final draft for publication; addressing grammar errors and basic style issues.

Copyediting: More substantive editing for structure, grammar, style, and formatting; line-by-line fact-checking.

Developmental editing: Providing detailed feedback on a document to facilitate revision; coaching, tutoring or otherwise supporting a writer’s development.


Chris is particularly interested in education, publishing, creative writing, film, video games, television, recorded music, and general media topics.


Florida State University

Chris also earned a BFA in English, Creative Writing and a BA in French Language and Literature.


5,000 Projects Completed

As a writing teacher, Chris edits several hundred student essays each year. He also edits academic writing for clients and colleagues on a regular basis.


500 Projects Completed

Chris has edited essays, poems, and short stories for literary journals for over 10 years.


50 Projects Completed

Chris provides feedback at various levels--from proofreading to developmental and structural edits.


30 Projects Completed

Working with clients, Chris has provided developmental edits for two books on economic development, one travel memoir, and one family history.

For colleagues and fellow creative writers, Chris has provided developmental feedback on several manuscripts including academic nonfiction, novels, and books of poetry.


10 Projects Completed

Over the last several years, Chris has helped clients and colleagues write and edit grant proposals of various sizes for research and philanthropic initiatives.


5 Projects Completed

Chris has edited scripts for video content ranging from 200-3,000 words.

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