The bulk of Paul's professional experience has been editing news, features, editorial content and marketing content, which has required him to be strong in both line and copy editing but also content editing. However, as a fiction writer, Paul also specializes in fiction editing and story development.
Outside of editing and fiction writing, Paul spends his time as a husband and father of two. He and his family enjoy hiking, camping and most anything else, so long as it means they get to spend a little time together.
As a managing editor for a regional news outlet, he maintains news standards and Associated Press style to edit content related to new and established businesses.
Senior managing editor for regional news outlet that handles a wide variety of health beat topics. All articles edited with adherence to Associated Press style.
Senior managing editor for regional news outlet that regular covers state legislative actions and local government following Associated Press style.
Senior managing editor for regional news outlet with more than 2 million unique monthly page views. All articles edited following Associated Press style.
Senior managing editor for regional news outlet.
Marketing content editor for online news branch of largest marketing and advertising company in southern Utah. Any marketing content for publication on the news site is edited according to Associated Press style.
Line and content editing of middle-grade novel "Hope: The Story of a Banana Fish" by David Neumeier, as well as worked with three professional editors on revisions of first two personal novels.