reading, travel, history, politics, literature, needlework, education, ESL, marketing, design, advertising, decorating, home improvement/renovation, art, movies, poetry, music, crafts, fashion
She's edited hundreds of home decor, decorating, renovation and home repair articles.
She currently works full-time at one of the largest advertising/marketing agencies in the South; she has edited hundreds of articles and posts in this field
14 years as senior copy editor with largest financial marketing firm in the U.S.
edited hundreds of articles and posts in this field
edited hundreds of articles and posts in this field for USA Today's travel section; also written these pieces
edited dozens of gardening articles for eHow, San Francisco Gate and other websites.
edited hundreds of articles and posts in this field, including Hunker, San Francisco Gate and other websites
have written and edited hundreds of articles, including Modern Mom and other websites
She's written and edited hundreds of articles, not only for WriterAccess, but also for USA Today, SF Gate, Modern Mom, Hunker, and many other websites.