Joshua W
Editor #2399
Joined 2/24/2011
3 Star Rating
3,502 Projects
Joshua is the Pastor at a church in Naples, FL. He has knowledge in several fields such as insurance, religion, home repair, product descriptions, real estate, blogging, SEO, copywriter, political content, press releases and many others. He currently writes Theological pieces and manages three social media sites and two websites.



Added a Greek Language Study to the degree


Hebrew focus was added to the degree


1,500 Projects Completed

He has written a number of insurance pieces for various businesses. The style of each piece varied from a simple description of terms to detailed summaries of coverage and insurance requirements. He has been licensed in all 50 states for personal lines and commercial policies. He is familiar with coastal requirements and various police endorsements.


2,002 Projects Completed

He has written on a wide range of article topics that include things such as, insurance sales, home improvement, real estate listings and descriptions, political pieces, ebooks, web design, relocation services, professional profiling, coastal insurance, underwriting, web design and many others.

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