WriterAccess Weekly Round-up: Fashion Forward

Welcome back from the weekend!

Not to start off your Monday on an angry note, but this blog from ProBlogger is from a man that makes $3,000 a month on his travel blog. And yes, this sounds like good news to all bloggers out there with a dream and an empty wallet, but he claims that low-quality (even this blog contains typos) and quantity are what makes him successful. Gosh, I hope we can break from this notion finally. It demotes our good writers out there with genuine skills, creativity, and insight and devalues writing to clients everywhere— which is why you see companies getting angry with “farms” if they charge more than two bucks for 500 words and online projects going to the lowest bidder rather than the most appropriate writer. Ugh. I’m curious to hear from others on this, but for now let’s just move on before I get all worked up.

Speaking of talented, inspired writers, Copyblogger actually promotes quality with this post on how to become an unforgettable writer, pulling inspiration from a Charles Bukowski poem (with video!).

In today’s history is cyclical news: Problogger wants us to start a magazine to complement our blog, touting the “potential of print.” It’s not that I completely disagree, but I’m just going to let you rest on that phrase and how funny it is.

Some of us may already be tired of this infographic trend, but for those who want to jump on board, here are some resources—even if you’re a writer more familiar with a typewriter than Adobe Creative Suite. But don’t just jump on these because they’re en vogue; make sure to utilize their ability to convey significant information and solid research, as if you were creating any piece of content. As an example, check on Mashable’s infographic on another trendy subject: Daily deals.

Here’s one thing we can jump on because it’s literally en vogue: Fashion Week. Turns out Oscar de la Renta isn’t all bright colors and poufy skirts; he’s a smart mind with an eye on the future. His spring 2012 line and runway show was crowdsourced live via Tumblr, allowing fashion bloggers throughout the world to weigh in on his designs.

What about you? Any thoughts on devaluing writing, Bukowski, infographics, or trendy spring fashions? Any relevant and interesting links you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments section!