WriterAccess Client App Updates: The Best New App Just Got Even Better


2016 was a banner year for WriterAccess in a wide range of ways. One of the ways we’re most proud of (and excited about) is the WriterAccess Mobile App for Clients.

According to Marketingland, mobile usage now represents a full 65% of all “digital media time” across the board.

We’re also aware that a full 90% of all “mobile time” is spent using apps.

The WriterAccess Mobile app is a unique, sophisticated platform built from the ground up with that experience in mind.


The Benefits of the WriterAccess Mobile App for Clients

In the end, we wanted our client mobile app to be a lot more than just a reworking of our desktop site optimized for smartphones and tablets.

We wanted to offer something unique – an organic solution that lets you work the way you want to, precisely when you want to, no exceptions.

With that in mind, our new app for the iOS operating system lets you not only approve orders, but also communicate directly with writers on-the-fly for those messages that are too important to wait until you get home.

On the Go Review

In addition to letting you exchange messages with writers, you can also look over Casting Call applications, add new talent to your Love List and even launch those orders – all from your mobile phone.

You can also read, approve and reject idea pitches, review revision requests and pending approval content orders, respond to extension requests, client assistance requests and so much more.

Most importantly, the app lets you submit and respond to Help Desk tickets with WriterAccess administrative staff.

This is just one of the many ways that lets us guarantee that we’ll be there for you always, whenever – and wherever – you need it.


Recent Improvements

Any mobile developer will tell you that apps aren’t really “released” – they’re born.

As a result, they’re constantly growing and evolving, changing as technology does, offering a fluid experience that only gets better over time.

Along those lines, we’ve made a number of recent fixes to the WriterAccess Mobile App for Clients that are available just as soon as you download the newest update from the iTunes App Store.

These include the following:

  • We fixed a display issue with our FAQ section. You have important questions, we have important answers in a way that is easy to navigate and even easier to read.
  • We’ve increased spelling and autocorrect sensitivity, because typos are not a problem you should have to deal with any longer.
  • We’ve made improvements to the system that generates alerts and push notifications directly from the app. If you need to know about a new piece that was submitted or a response to a Help Desk ticket, rest assured that you’re going to know about it – fast!
  • We’ve also lengthened the time visible for the responses messages that you’re shown by the app, both after actions and server responses.
  • Last but not least, we’ve also updated the login message screen dealing with incorrect or non-user credentials. Because some things are just far too important to leave to chance.

These are just a few of the many recent fixes that we’ve made to our WriterAccess Mobile App for Clients. But make no mistake: they’re certainly not the only ones planned for the near future.

We’ve got a number of new and exciting features in the pipeline as we move into 2017 that we think you’ll be equally enthusiastic about.

As always, if there’s a particular feature you’d like to see or an issue that you’re dealing with that you want to see addressed, feel free to get in touch and let us know.

This is an app built with our clients in mind first and foremost and valuable feedback like yours puts us in the best possible position to unlock its full potential.

Stephen L is a talented writer with WriterAccess with a pulse on what’s new and what works within the platform. Learn more about how our highly vetted, industry professionals can create content that converts for your business!

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