Writer Wednesday: Michelle H

Michelle HThis week, meet writer Michelle H from Pittsburgh, PA!  Check out our blog every Wednesday for a new interview with our super talented and very interesting WriterAccess writers.  For more featured writers, visit our Writer Wednesday category.

How did you come to realize that a career in writing was right for you?

It was karma. In actuality, I always wanted to be a graphic artist working at a book publisher. So I went through life with blinders on when teachers and friends commented on my writing skills. I even worked at a vanity book publisher for a few years as a clerical assistant. Then one day I started a blog and received great comments from published authors. It was a head-smack moment. “Hey, I can write for a living and actually make money from it.”

Do you have a favorite niche?

I try to stick with finance topics. My brother was the victim of identity theft from a family member and I made it my mission to inform others about such a risk. Yet I also try to be diverse. Working here at WriterAccess has allowed me to hone my skills in other areas: business, manufacturing, and real estate. I also enjoy writing marketing materials and web pages.

You mention in your profile that you enjoy winter sports. Any particularly memorable ski slopes or lodges you’ve experienced this winter?

Oh, I am an old ski bum with a bad knee now. I started skiing back in junior high (1989) and stopped after experiencing a few bad falls. I want to get back into it when my daughter is old enough to ski. I try to stick to ski slopes close to home, so Seven Springs Mountain Resort was my favorite place to go. My brother worked there as a snowboard instructor so I could get an employee discount. Score!

Got any recommended reading for us?

I love mystery and suspense. So my two favorite go-to authors are Edgar Allen Poe and Stephen King. For people who want to read King, I suggest starting with his older novels like Carrie and It. For other genres, Octavia Butler and Harry Harrison will offer you other worlds to explore if you love science fiction. Also, Kathryn Magendie writes great women’s fiction.

What advice would you give a newbie writer?

It’s never too late to start writing. If you are passionate about your skills, you will succeed.

Michelle H is a freelance writer available on WriterAccess, a marketplace where clients and expert writers connect for assignments.

Louis Roe is a content marketing intern at WriterAccess. Contact Louis on Twitter @lojoroe or by email Louis.Roe (at) WriterAccess.com.

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