Writer Spotlight: Joe B

joe bMeet writer Joe B from Post Falls, ID!

Q. If you had a catchphrase, what would it be?
A. Hello. 

Q. What is your day job super power?
A. Sometimes I’m super skilled at finding food in the building. Birthday cake, donuts, candy…

Q. Best advice you’ve ever received?
A. Learn the rules first then you can learn how best to break them.  (Jess Walters was talking about writing but it works for other things too)

Q. Favorite hat?
A. I’m not a big hat wearer, although I probably should start more now that things are thinning on top.  When I moved to Idaho a friend gave me an NRA hat so I would fit in better. 

Q. If there was a movie based on your life, what actor/actress would play you?
A. I used to say Harrison Ford. Now I don’t know. Maybe Brendan Fraser or Tobey Maguire.

Q. What would the title of the movie be?
A. Hello. 

Q. Favorite thing about WA?
A. I like the forums area — it’s a strangely unexpected and friendly community. So many forums out there are dusty, boring or just unpleasant.  It’s family-like — everyone is generally cheery and positive, and even the ones you may disagree with or vice versa are respectful and not hate-filled.

Q. Favorite writer, dead or alive?
A.  In college I really liked Joyce. I was surprised when my fellow students were talking about how dreadful he was — I thought I was reading the wrong text because that was the opposite of my experience. For modern authors I read everything new from Jim Butcher and Michael Connelly in a matter of hours. 

Q. What’s your guilty pleasure?
A. I’m not sure. Peanut butter M&Ms?

Q. Favorite breakfast food?
A. I like having cereal on weekends or days off since I usually don’t have a chance to eat until later on work days. 

Q. Little known fact about you?
A.  I was once a member of the clergy, sort of. I sent away for one of those mail-order ministry certificates in college and receive a year “certification” It would have passed legal muster in Idaho too which is scary. But I didn’t renew — I found people were taking the title much more seriously than I was.

Q. What can’t you live without?
A. Coffee. Well I could, but I wouldn’t like it much. 

Q. What advice would you like to leave off with for your fellow writers?
A. Be unique. 

Thanks Joe! Check out our blog every Wednesday for a new interview with one of our super talented and always interesting WriterAccess writers!