What to Do When the Boss Says “I Need Content”

They say that “content is king.” However, one problem businesses run into is oversaturation: even when you are producing great content, you are competing with dozens (possibly hundreds) of competitors who are creating similar content.

Recent Buzzsumo research points to the decline in certain areas of online content as being due to oversaturation. Unfortunately, there’s one person who didn’t get that memo: your boss!

There are times that your boss says those three ominous words: “I need content.” And, of course, he needs it yesterday. That leaves you to thread the needle. How do you make your boss happy while actually creating content that is successful?

Don’t want to get fired? We know the feeling. That’s why we put together this comprehensive guide.

Research Mode

First of all, don’t just sit down and start writing off the top of your head. While your boss may make you feel like a student struggling with an essay, your job is not the place to try out your “D’s get degrees” mentality.

The first step is to make sure that you’ve researched the topic very thoroughly. This has two big benefits: first, it makes abstract ideas seem very concrete to your readers. And second, it helps you make sure you’re not writing the same content that everyone and their brother is writing.

We’re big fans of the “working hard to be lazy” philosophy. And in this case, doing just a little bit of research ahead of time can give you content that is more unique and more effective.

Demographic Needs

Kennedy may have told citizens not to ask what the country can do for them. However, your customers don’t share that belief, and their core question is always, “what does this have to do with me?”

This is why all of your content should be based on as much demographic information as you have access to. Make sure you understand the economic realities and lifestyle choices that help to define the lives of your core audience.

Armed with this knowledge, you can create content that is actually useful. And the upside of this is that such content practically sells itself: customers are happy to read and share information that makes their lives better, giving you the kind of organic marketing your boss was hoping for in the first place.

Better Than Text

When the boss is screaming for content, chances are that your first thought is to write another article. But have you considered thinking outside of the text box?

Many consumers (especially Millennials) respond passionately to things like video content. And if you can create something that is compelling or funny (or better yet, both), then you might just have a viral hit on your hands.

If nothing else, it’s good to get your feet wet with video content anyway. It provides a different marketing channel for your business, and if no one else has proposed it, you get to be the employee offering the boss a really solid new idea.

Going Social

It’s great for you and your business to create content intended for social media. However, you need to go in with eyes wide open when it comes to social content.

Changes to the Facebook algorithm have made it more difficult for you to create posts that go viral very easily. However, the right content is still able to rise to the top.

What is “the right content?” Well, our advice comes full circle, as Buzzsumo’s research shows that the best content is that which is “original” and “authoritative.”

Create the content that your audience needs and that no one else is making and you won’t just make the boss happy; you’ll make the customer happy, too!

The Discontent With Content

The internet is filled with meaningless junk content, but that doesn’t mean you have to be part of the problem. Use this guide to create the kind of unforgettable content that will put your business on the map and keep it there for a good, long time.

Chris S is a professor of English at a small college in Northwest Florida. He has over ten years of experience in teaching others how to write and uses his knowledge to provide clients with well-researched answers and explanations. He has answered over 1500 questions for Ask.com and written hundreds of articles for other sites ranging from entertainment-centric “Top 10 lists” to detailed breakdowns of how to enter new career fields. From blogs to lists to any custom content, he is here to impress you.