What I’ve Learned as a Real Estate Writer


My husband and I just bought a house. For us, this is not just a house, but somewhere we plan to call home for years to come. I have never owned a home before and never gone through the home buying process. However, I do have firsthand knowledge of the real estate industry, picked up from my work as a real estate copywriter.

Our home buying process was actually a pretty fast one. From the day we were pre-approved for our loan and began the search until the day we moved into our house, it was only about two and a half months. However, I cannot count the number of times something happened that I have written about or that my knowledge helped us in some way. Here are just a few of the ways that my work as a real estate copywriter helped us in the home buying process:

  • I knew that pre-approved did not mean guaranteed – I have written a lot about the mortgage industry. While getting my loan pre-approved was important, I understood that having that approval did not mean the sale would go through without a hitch.
  • I knew that ads make homes sound awesome – One of my “regular” clients is a company that builds beautiful homes. While I’ve seen pictures of these houses, I take the “hard data” about the homes and turn this into web content that is designed to attract buyers. No house is as wonderful as the ad makes it seem.
  • I could ask the smart questions – I’ve written enough real estate content to realize what it is that buyers want in a home. I could ask if the house had a new roof, if the air conditioner was powerful enough to cool the home, and if the countertops were real granite. Without hands-on real estate writing experience, I would have never known what to ask!
  • I was patient – While we waited for a response to our offer and for the contract to come through, I was a nervous wreck. However, I’ve written content about this very subject, so I knew what to expect. Just knowing what normally occurs during this process helped me with my patience.

The process of buying a house has been a lot of fun and very educational. This experience taught me a lot about real estate from the perspective of a buyer and made me a better real estate writer. In fact, it has inspired me to sign up for few extra classes on the subject to further enhance my knowledge. I can’t wait to share this knowledge with my clients and those who read my content!

Tracy S is a content writer and blogger who specializes in home improvement-related topics. When she’s not working, Tracy loves playing pool, watching cheesy reality TV, spending time with her family, and dreaming of the beach.