Turn Your Travels Into Income

traveling blogger

Vacations can be expensive. You have to pay for travel, lodging, meals and a whole host of other expenses to ensure that your trip is enjoyable for all. In addition, there is the time spent away from work, which also impacts your budget. It’s important to take time away and enjoy your vacation; no one wants to structure a vacation around deadlines and client communications. However, you can still use your vacation to increase your income.

Use Your Experiences for Writing Fodder

Blog writers and ghost writers alike can use vacation experiences for writing material. Pick up brochures and other material that can give you facts, figures and interesting tidbits to include in your writing. You can also keep a blog while you are on vacation, but remember not to publish anything on your blog that you hope to sell elsewhere later.

In addition, you may be able to deduct some of your travel expenses from your taxes, especially if you are a travel writer, food writer or write about something related to travel. Remember to discuss this with your accountant, as the author of this piece is a writer and definitely not a tax guru.

Work Without Working at All

As stated above, blog writers can discuss travel experiences in a blog and write a little every day. You can also set up a blog specifically to showcase your exciting vacation. This may be more work than you want to do on a vacation, however. You can work without working at all. Take lots of pictures, and jot down notes on a small notepad or in your smartphone. You can turn these photos and interesting notes into articles, blog posts and other work products once you get home and get back to your office.

What to Do With Your Experiences

Many ghost writers and blog writers that write about food, travel and other topics rely heavily on their own experiences for articles and blog posts that they write for their clients. You can use your vacation as fuel for your blog. You can also write numerous articles on your trip to sell to clients; there are several great sites that allow you to sell your content to eager buyers at a price you can specify.

Want to do something a little bigger? Consider an eBook that contains tips, photos and information for people who are looking to visit the place you went to. You can also put a spin on your experience or approach it from a unique angle, to get it out there in front of readers. Best of all, you can self-publish your own eBook online in minutes – set your own price and network it on your social media accounts and you will see income from your travel experience.

Maggie O is an active duty member of the United States Air Force, who attempts to keep a freelance writing career afloat in her free time. When she’s not writing or serving her country, she spends her time with her family, her dogs and her growing empire of Mazda vehicles.