Thursday Trends 10/17/19

What Content Marketers are Buzzing About This Week

Too busy apple-picking to keep up with this week’s content marketing news? Don’t worry! Thursday Trends stayed home to keep an eye on the latest in content marketing and content strategy. We’ve compiled all the best for you here in one, tasty content marketing pie. Have a slice!

Could You Be Missing 20% of the Market with Inaccessible Content?

How to Structure Your Content to Make It Accessible via Content Marketing Institute

The Americans with Disabilities Act puts forth regulations that require publishers in the United States to make their content and websites accessible. The legislation outlines specific requirements. So, accessibility is the law, but compliance isn’t the only reason to do it. In the 2010 census, one out of every five respondents reported living with a disability or difficulty. These include difficulties with hearing, vision, learning, cognitive abilities, and physical disabilities. If your website’s not accessible, you could be missing out a huge chunk of the market. So, not only is it non-compliant and putting you at risk of a lawsuit, it’s also a missed opportunity.

This recent article from Content Marketing Institute outlines everything you need to do to make sure your website’s ADA compliant and accessible. It’ll even direct you to handy tools that you can use to quickly make your content compliant and accessible to everyone.

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You Think You’re Good, But Are You Really? 

13 Crucial Metrics to Determine How Good a Content Marketing Program Really Is via Forbes

Okay, maybe you already know you have a good content marketing program, but how does it really measure up? Is all of your success coming from one channel, leaving others behind with unrealized potential? Have you taken the time to actually see how your content marketing program compares to others in your market? If not, then it’s time to get out your ruler (and other tools)!

This article from Forbes outlines the top 13 metrics you should be tracking and measuring to determine how good your content strategy actually is. Using data you should be able to access easily, you can figure out exactly how to improve your numbers, subscribers, views, conversions, sales, or whatever to make sure your content program is the best it can be.

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Don’t Hold Back! Unleash Your Smarts

7 Challenges Holding Back Your Intelligent Content Programs via CMSWire

Intelligent content is that which is free from formatting, easily adaptable to different channels and platforms, discoverable, reusable, and can be easily reconfigured. In other words, intelligent content should be your powerhouse content performer. But what if it’s not giving you the results you expect?

If you’re not getting as much out of your intelligent content as you ought to be, then it’s time to look into whether one or more of these seven problems — as outlined by this recent article from CMSWire — is holding back your content. In addition to other problem-solving strategies, the article suggests looking more closely at your audience, your customer journey, and even your brand identity.

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Today’s Letter is C, and the Number is Three

Meet the Three Cs: Content Strategist, Content Writer, and Copywriter via WriterAccess

Content exists everywhere. Whether on your social media, website, blog, or in a printed pamphlet in your office, someone has to come up with ideas, put them together, and then write all of those words. If you’re not doing it yourself, then this article from WriterAccess is here to explain who you need to hire for help.

This article will introduce you to the three Cs of content marketing, explain their unique roles, and help you determine who you need on your content marketing team.

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Jennifer G is a full-time freelance writer and editor with a B.A. in creative writing from the University of Montana. She enjoys researching and writing creative content to engage readers and developing professional voices for clients across all industries. She specializes in medical, health, veterinary, and financial writing. Having worked nearly thirteen years in finance, Jennifer applies her experience in the banking industry (marketing, social media management, consumer and commercial lending, customer service, accounts, and bookkeeping) to her writing work within the industry.