The Personalization of Content: A Buyer-Centric Approach to Relevent Content

smallbusinessownerNow that the electronic marketplace has adjusted to the major changes Google made to its search engine algorithms through Penguin, Pigeon and Hummingbird, SEO has returned to embracing tried-and-true marketing methods, such as focusing on added value for the consumer. Rather than representing a return to the land of dinosaurs, this buyer-centric approach transforms targeted content into personalized content and conveys worth in addition to features and benefits.  Experienced professional writers for hire know how to weave your keywords into content that wows on worth.

The ultimate goal of any marketing campaign, whether print, TV, or Internet, is to connect a product or service to real people with real needs. That connection vaults the content over the target audience directly into the laps of the likely buyer and sends the message that this product or service delivers on their expectations.

Thus, haphazardly ordering blog posts, website content or social media posts from third-party content providers without a comprehensive strategy can backfire in today’s online marketplace. A blog post will produce far greater business results when the writer has knowledge from the marketing expert regarding the true added value to the consumer. This gives the writer the foundation by which the content will connect with likely buyers on an emotional level resulting in sales growth over the competition. Today SEO means far more than repetitive keywords that drive traffic to a website. It means thoughtful, worthwhile content crafted to assure the consumer that this product is exactly what he or she needs in life.

Sounds easy? Sounds hard? How do you convey value to a consumer?

By breaking the process down to three simple steps, you can launch a successful refining of your marketing campaigns.

  • Isolate the specific audience. Go beyond identifying a target audience and choose a buyer, such as Suzy Q. Manager with 2 children, a house and a dog.
  • Study that buyer deeply until you truly understand her wants and needs.
  • Study and understand her working and personal environments.

Buyer-centric marketing takes a bit more effort; however, the payoff can be significant. This effort to understand every aspect of Suzy Q. Manager’s desires will take considerable skills in the area of active listening. Bestselling author Stephen Covey said, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” Active listening skills include asking open ended questions, especially about criticism or complaints, mirroring the message and “listening” with all senses when possible, and this process may involve you personally out on the sales or trade floor, or it may involve training your staff.

Once you have chosen your specific buyer, it is time to pay close attention to the conversation, whether it is through discussion groups, surveys or consumer calls into the help line. Identify common threads and answer objectively if your marketing content is relevant to their concerns. By identifying correlation then causation, you can communicate this information clearly to your content writer, who will gladly spin a delightful message promoting the value of your business.


As a frequent consumer of a variety of goods and services, Wendy H appreciates basing her expenditures on a value added proposition, just in case hubby balances the checkbook.

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