Small Marketing Budget? Stretch Your Buck Further With These Content Marketing Tips

Do you run a startup? Or maybe a small business with limited resources? Whatever spot you’re in, content marketing can help you expand and reach new clients while developing fresh leads. Chances are, you already know the importance of content marketing, but then you look at your bank account and realize there just isn’t much funding for a massive content marketing push. Don’t worry. You don’t need a crazy budget to establish yourself as a major player in your industry. Many of the best marketing suggestions don’t cost much if anything. So stretch your marketing dollars further with these content marketing tips.


This is a must. A blog is like printing free marketing dollars. Every time you write a new blog post it will be sourced by search engines and then cataloged for listing. This means one more way potential customers and future clients can find you.

It will take some time to generate views off of a new blog, so don’t expect immediate results, but once your blog is up and rolling with a few posts a week, you’ll see the results flood in.

Not sure what to write on your blogs? It can be helpful how-tos relating to your industry. You can explain something related to your business the average customer doesn’t know. And if you want to jazz your blog up, use images and videos. Using media to break up your blogs makes it easier to scan and more enjoyable to most visitors, which will help boost results.

Email List

Are you collecting emails from your customers? If not you absolutely need to. Building your email list is one of the best ways to establish a strong Internet foundation. With an email list, you can tell previous shoppers of your new blog post, inform them of upcoming sales, provide them with offers, and, most importantly, remain on the top of their minds. You can also segment your email list so you send certain messages out to specific demographics. This will help you target your audience better and generate improved results.

You can also collect emails from non-customers. Offer something in return for an email address. It can be for a discount, a free e-book, or a small service. People love free things, and you’ll love your email list. The best practice for this kind of feature is to require the visitors to confirm their email before offering up the free item. This way you know the email address is real and active.

Take It To Social

Social media marketing should be part of your content marketing plan. With several social platforms, there are limitless ways to connect with your current customers while also targeting new customers. From Facebook to Instagram, LinkedIn to Twitter, there are all kinds of ways to connect and attract customers to your website.

When making social media part of your marketing plan you need to make sure to remain active and to respond to individuals messaging you. Failure to do either and people will begin turning away from your company and social media platforms.

Share User-Generated Content

This really is free. And most users love this feature. Ask your followers to post images using your products and to tag your company in the post. When you find posts that look great and show off how customers engage with your product ask the original poster if it is alright to use their post. If they say yes (most will because they love the exposure) you will have brand-new content that is fresh, connects with potential customers because it comes from current customers, and it is free.


Video is one of the fastest-growing segments of content marketing. From posting videos to Facebook and YouTube to offering small videos on Instagram or Snapchat, there are all kinds of ways to connect with current and future customers. You don’t need extreme professional equipment for this. The camera on your iPhone or Android device can work (just invest in a tripod to keep the video steady).
You can also go live on many social platforms. The benefit to this is it notifies all your followers that you’re going live. Live video is available on almost all major platforms, so make sure to take advantage of it.

Save Big On Your Content Marketing

You don’t need to drop a ton of cash to have a strong content marketing presence. From remaining active on social media to maintaining a blog, these are easy to follow tips that will propel your business forward. And, if you need help writing the blogs, coming up with video scrips or want help writing your social posts, Writers Access has you covered with the very best collection of writing talent on the Internet.


Greyson F WriterAccessGreyson F. has been writing online content for over eight years and has extensive experience writing in a variety of formats. These formats range from travel reviews and how-to instructional essays to professional journals and academic papers. Major publications such as USA Today, Yahoo!, IBM, Google and others have all produced his work. Additionally, Greyson works as an online video producer and travel photographer. He has worked extensively with the New York Times as well as had video work appear on ESPN and NBC Universal. His travel photography is regularly features by Yahoo!

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