Selling Your Boss on Why You Need Great Content

You know your company needs great content to be competitive.

But convincing your boss? Well, that’s a different story.

Take the following steps to deliver a short presentation that explains your need for great content marketing. If you present it right, you could even change your boss’s mind.

Anticipate Objections

Your boss will probably object to the expenses that great content requires, so be prepared with solid stats from marketing experts.

For example, did you know that creating interesting social media content prompts viewers to follow brands? Research also shows that every dollar spent on content marketing generates about three times as many leads as traditional marketing.

Research the Competition

If your competition has already jumped on the content marketing bandwagon, comb through their website.

Do you see any examples of content that has been shared many times? Are there glaring mistakes or shoddy practices that make the company look unprofessional? Point out the ways that the competition is positioning itself to reach their audience and suggest how you can do better.

Come Armed With a Plan

Hammer out a simple plan for using content marketing to generate sales conversions (blog and social media posts are a good way to get started), and present it to your boss during your meeting. This makes it more likely that you’ll get the green light for your content marketing strategy right on the spot.

Be sure to follow up your presentation with some metrics that highlight the achievements of your content strategy. Bring easy-to-understand stats to your next meeting so your boss continues to see the value in great content.

About the author

Katie S has been writing for many years, either for academic reasons or for her own pleasure. She has been a freelance writer, concentrating on crafting concise, interesting and exciting copy for a variety of clients in many different industries, including the fields of law, medicine, sports and more.