My Favorite Places to Go for Writing Inspiration

Creating content for freelance writing sites offers the benefit of flexibility. While you can choose to write around work hours, appointments, or school, you also can pick the environment in which you write. Freelancing generally takes the work away from a stagnant office desk, giving writers options on where they choose to put pen to paper, or fingers to keys. Choosing where you want to write depends on factors varying from weather, noise, and ambiance. The key is to determine what places are conducive to your own productivity and efficiency in writing, as well as your comfort. Some people enjoy the hustle bustle of a local coffee shop in the morning hours, and others need the librarian-regulated quiet of the local library branch. Here are some of my picks for favorite places to go for writing inspiration:

Coffee Shop
Perhaps a stereotypical standby for studiously writing on your laptop, but coffee shops have that reputation for a reason. With a supply of caffeine and food as well as bathrooms, places like Starbucks or a more local café are one of my favorite places to go when I want to hunker down writing for the long haul. Many people in there are doing the same and so it creates a quiet—but not distractingly mute—environment for writing inspiration to create content for freelance writing sites. Be sure to check if there is wireless web access available. When you need to research, this is important, but may only be a distraction when the web is not necessary.

Park or Outdoor Space
Coming from a New England city like Boston, there aren’t many pleasantly warm days during the year to take advantage of the sun, so when it’s out shining, I always try to find writing inspiration in a park, field, beach, or other outdoor space. If the sun makes the screen of your laptop impossible to see without squinting, don’t be afraid to ditch the computer and grab a favorite notebook and pen to freehand the assignment from the freelance writing site. You can always return to the comfort of the computer when the sun goes down.

Libraries were not always one of my favorite for writing inspiration, as I was frequently discomforted by the extreme quiet. However, if your every careful reach into your bag of chips also brings you distraction, try finding a group study room where there is a bit more background noise. Also many city or town libraries have local gallery rooms or gorgeous architecture that can enliven writing inspiration. Not to mention the Hemingways and Woolfs that surround you.

If you’re like me and you live in a city, you often feel like much of your time is drained taking public transportation. Instead of sitting blankly, adding to your frustration, try using the time to find writing inspiration. Always carry a notebook and pen along when you travel, whether it be by subway, cab, or airplane, and use the time to your benefit. You’ll thank yourself later for saving free time for yourself and for completing an freelance writing site assignment in what otherwise would have been empty time—or people watching.

Where ever I go, I make sure I go somewhere. Lounging around the house trying to write, for me, always ends up in DVR, sweatpants, web surfing, and zero usable writing. Just moving from your couch or desk inspires productivity, so get dressed and head out to find your favorite places for writing inspiration.

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