Most Influential Commercial Jingles and How Writers Can Make an Impact

It may seem simply, and even slightly silly, but some of the most influential words in our lives are the commercial jingles we hear day in and day out on the TV, radio and computer. These catchy, short phrases set to a fun tune become embedded in our heads, allowing us to relate a song to a brand to a product—and ultimately impacting the overall success of an entire company. Below is a list of some of the most influential commercial jingles in the United States—it’s a great way for freelance writers to realize what an impact they can have on an industry.

1. “My bologna has a first name, it’s O-S-C-A-R” – Oscar Mayer. This is a timeless commercial jingle that almost anyone can recognize—and plus, it teaches you how to spell as well.

2. “Plop, plop. Fizz, Fizz. Oh what a relief it is” – Alka Seltzer. This commercial jingle uses the sounds of Alka Seltzer to convey the message of its product—an effective and also fun way of advertising.

3. “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there” – State Farm Insurance. While this jingle was introduced in the 1970s, it is still being used today because it is that well known and effective.

4. “Double your pleasure, Double your fun” – Wrigley’s Double Mint Gum. Who can’t finish this little well known jingle? It’s the statement of the great mint—double mint gum!

5. “Be all that you can be” – The United States Army. While we often think commercial jingles and brand identification belong strictly to products, even the United States military knew it had to have effective advertising in order to maintain its relevance.

6. “For all you do, this Bud’s for you” – Budweiser. Like anyone needed another excuse to enjoy a frothy brew—Budweiser has long been known for its powerful commercial jingles and brand marketing strategies.

7. “A little dab’ll do ya” – Brylcreem. Marketing hair products to women is usually pretty easy—women tend to put a lot of thought and effort into their hair. But when you can successfully market a hair product to men, you know you are an effective writer and communicator.

8. “It’s the real thing.” – Coca Cola. As American as Apple Pie and Chevrolet, Coca Cola knew how to get into the hearts of Americans throughout the decades with this commercial jingle.

9. “Ace is the place with the helpful hardware man” – Ace Hardware Stores. Using the brand name as well as the store’s market, Ace was able to create a jingle that people would keep in mind when doing their Saturday renovation projects.

10. “Have you had your break today?” – McDonalds. McDonalds used their own commercial jingle to let consumers know not only did they want McDonalds—they deserved it.

While the best content writer may not be working on commercial jingles, but rather an effective, informative, fun and funny blog post, it is still important to recognize the impact that our words have on every day life. By simply remembering that writing is most effective when you use less words—but the best words possible—to convey a message or a theme. Commercial jingles are a great example of how fun writing can be while still getting across an effective and powerful message at the same time.

Catherine C is a freelance writer available on WriterAccess, a marketplace where clients and expert writers connect for assignments. WriterAccess is powered by ideaLaunch.