Market Mania – Staying On Top of Your Game


With so many players on the field, it’s hard to consistently refine your strategy to keep you at the top of your game. Marketing can be exhausting and when you’re faced with numerous deadlines, trying to implement new tactics to keep your approach fresh can be difficult. How can you come up with ways to balance the two? Here are a few tips:

  • Think Inside the Box: Think about what’s in right now and what you can offer that audience. Sometimes it’s not about looking at the entire landscape, but focusing on what’s already there.
  • Change Your Demographic: If your expertise is legal or you excel writing fashion-centered pieces, change the demographic to grab a new audience. Fashion writers have a flair for the creative, which can be showcased by writing pieces for fashion institutes or photographers, while legal writers usually work well in in academia.
  • Present the Perfect Package: Have a portfolio that showcases the different types of writing you can do, tailoring your presentation for each and every client. Be unique, visual, use great fonts and colors, and make it memorable.
  • Define Your Goals: You can’t refine a strategy that you don’t have. Setting goals and benchmarks will help you focus and strategize. Introducing yourself to a new business every month or going after business in an unfamiliar industry on a quarterly basis is a great way to network and develop a plan to get things done.
  • Diversify: Enhance your writing style. Do you know how to write a white paper? Press release? Specialized content does not have to go past your radar. Take the time to find out how to do those things and add them to your arsenal.
  • Invest in YouMaking a concentrated effort to invest in yourself is key. Start thinking of yourself as a business that needs good content marketing and a strategic plan that will get results. You can start small — create a website or blog and pick a platform that you are comfortable with. You don’t have to spread yourself thin; slow and steady works just as well. Make a schedule and carve time out to do the things you need to and make a difference. Take a class, embrace your hobby, or do things that will not only enrich your life, but provide some form of relaxation. Remaining stress-free will keep your mind clear to always write at your best.

Using the right tactics will help keep you game ready. Getting pointers and ideas from other writers can also help you notice areas where you can improve. Use the advice wisely and apply it wherever you can see significant change. Time to get market savvy — you’re worth it!

Allaire W is a freelance content marketing writer with a love for the written word and a sweet tooth that turned a hobby into a business. You can frequently find her “cooking” up assignments while covered in flour or cake batter.