How Much to Charge for Your Services

One of the most difficult decisions for any freelance writer to make is “How much to charge for your services?” There are many factors to consider when thinking of a price quote to give a potential client. Any time that you are offered a position, unless it is someone that you have worked with before, never give an immediate answer. You don’t want to sound inexperienced by giving a low offer, and you don’t want to make yourself look like you think you are the bees knees because you charge too much. Give it a day to think about the job so that you can come back with a reasonable quote to give any potential client.

Here are some things that you should consider each time you are looking at any potential work.

First of all, how much work is it and when do they want it by? Time constraints are very important when it comes to the amount of work needing done. Consider the amount of research that is needed in the project. Since it is part of the job, you should factor it into the pay. There is no reason that you should do part of the job for free. Consider how fast you can type. If the articles are short and you can reasonably do two to three in an hour, it may be worth your time.

Lastly, consider what the hourly minimum wage in your state is. If you are asked to do fifty articles on real estate- something that you know a lot about, and you can write two to three in an hour, then $3-$5 above your minimum wage is a reasonable price for your services. If there is a lot of extensive research involved in the project, consider a higher price or not even taking the job at all if there are better opportunities available in the future.

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