Hire Content Writers 101: Determining a Healthy Workload


When you make the decision to hire content writers to work with you on your marketing team, you must consider many things. You need to keep an eye on your budget, find writers who are able to work within your topic field and make certain you stay on pace to get the work done in a timely fashion. Each of these can be an important factor when determining how many writers to hire and when to hire them. However, there is another big consideration—workload. Specifically, how do you determine a healthy workload for your team of writers? Consider each of the following points, and you will find it much easier to put together a plan for your team.

  • Just Ask – Ask your writers how much work they are capable of completing. Writers come in all shapes and sizes—from those that just work a few hours a week as supplementary income to those who make content writing a full-time job. Find out what your writers are comfortable with tackling.
  • Watch Deadlines – Are your writers turning things in at the last minute or late? This could be a sign they are overwhelmed with work. If this happens regularly, it may be time to start looking to add another writer to the team.
  • Consider Overflow – Many large content firms have a backup system in place for “overflow.” Perhaps you have a writer who works “on-call” who would be willing to pitch in and help only when needed. Or, you may want to work with a content brokerage site to fill in when you cannot get the work completed.
  • Keep in Mind Holidays – While your writers may have a certain amount of work they handle on a regular basis, often during the holidays and summertime this will be reduced. Work with your writers to find out their plans for vacations and holidays.
  • Don’t Go Crazy – While you don’t want to overwork your writers, your writers may be counting on you for income, so don’t over hire. Start with fewer writers and bring on more only when needed—otherwise you may find yourself losing your best writers because they are not getting enough work.

While it is important to give your writers a workload they can handle and one that will be beneficial for them as well, it is perfectly understandable that you may make mistakes. Be upfront with your writers and keep an open line of communication. It is very easy to fix many scheduling problems—especially if you are open minded and willing to do your part too.

Tracy S is a content writer and blogger who specializes in home improvement related topics. When she’s not working, Tracy loves playing pool, watching cheesy reality TV, spending time with her family and dreaming of the beach.

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