Hire a Writer to Keep up on Engaging and Entertaining Social Media Posts

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If you want your social media posts to be effective, they first have to be entertaining. It doesn’t matter if you post a hundred social media posts a day, the fact remains that if they aren’t engaging, people won’t read them. While it certainly takes drive and dedication to keep up with social media for your company’s brand or service, it also takes pizzazz, creativity, and a constant fresh approach with each post. That’s why it’s important to get help. If you hire a writer or two to help you keep up on entertaining social media posts, you’re bound to get more likes and shares than ever before – and that means more potential sales.

So what makes social media posts entertaining and engaging? Let’s take a look at three social media pros that you can replicate.

Pizza Hut

With 940k Twitter followers and 15 million facebook likes, Pizza Hut must be doing something right. Take for example their facebook page. To complement their mouth-watering pizza pictures, they post funny, quirky posts such as…

“Sauce drizzles are like pizza’s cherry on top. If cherries tasted like barbeque sauce and you got them for free.”

Another good one is, “Shout out to everyone ordering fresh spinach on their pizza. That counts as a salad, right?”

And my personal favorites, “Peruvian cherry peppers are chili peppers’ sweeter cousins. You can invite them over and they probably won’t trash the place.”. And “Sunday pizza = Monday leftovers. Don’t judge.”.


Oreo is known for its signature twist and dunk, but it’s also one of social media’s biggest success stories that can be used as inspiration for your own social media campaigns. Take for example, their facebook “Daily Twist Campaign”. In 2012, from June 25 to October 2, the Oreo Company launched a fun image of an Oreo cookie that immortalized something that happened on that particular day. On July 5, 2012 Shin Shin the panda was born in the Tokyo Zoo, so Oreo designed their cookie to look like a baby panda bear. For the June 25 Gay Pride Parade, Oreo showed their support by designing a yummy six tiered rainbow colored Oreo.


It’s so simple, yet so brilliant, and all by accident. The best social media marketing campaigns that go viral are often the ones that never intended to do so. Take for example, Cadbury, who constructed an enormous facebook “thumbs up” – the universal facebook symbol for “liking” – out of milk chocolate. Created to thank their customers for a million likes, the chocolate based “like” quickly went viral, gaining another 40,000 likes and who knows how many more sales.

Social media is a constant in our modern, plugged-in lives. And with each upcoming generation plugging themselves in, companies need to keep up with the competition by constantly updating their social media platforms with engaging and entertaining content that is easy to access and even easier to digest.

Jennifer B is a stay-at-home-mom of two and professional freelance writer. She spends her days writing, cleaning, writing some more and changing a lot of…we won’t go there. 

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