A WriterAccess Holiday Tale


Now that the holiday season has rolled around yet again and the New Year is fast approaching, we thought it was important to stop and really take the chance to appreciate all the incredible things that happened over the last 365 days.

We think you’ll agree that this past year has certainly been one of the best in our history for reasons that are more than worth celebrating.

“My, How You’ve Grown”

2016 saw WriterAccess match an incredible 26,000 customers with no less than 15,000 passionate, talented and unforgettable writers – records in both regards.

In a world where over 200 million people now use ad blockers according to research conducted by The Content Marketing Institute, quality and thought-provoking content is more important than ever.

We’re incredibly proud of the role we’ve continued to play in these efforts for organizations across nearly every industry you can think of.

To top it all off, we managed to slide right onto the Inc 5000 list for the third consecutive year – a trend we have no plan on breaking anytime soon if we can help it.

“Come on In (to the Talent Pool), the Water is Fine”

Our talent pool grew like gangbusters during 2016, particularly useful for customers that need to scale.

We now offer more screened professional talent to more customers from more industries than we have at any point in our history – that includes small businesses, agencies, enterprise customers and everyone in between.

Translators for those approaching content on a global level, and Content Strategists to help with ideation, creation, execution, optimization, and measurement.

The secret to our success in this area is a simple one – we pay the best rates. Shhh, don’t tell anyone.

As it turns out, if you advocate fair-pay for great work, you create an environment where great work is an inevitability. Who knew?

The Content Marketing Conference

There are big hits, then there are smash hits, then there was the Content Marketing Conference held in May of 2016.

Not to toot our own horn, but we’re incredibly proud of what we were able to pull off. An event that brought the best and brightest minds in the profession together all under one roof.

We’re already looking onward to Boston next year, which is currently shaping up to be the type of event you’re not going to want to miss with speakers like CEO of HubSpot Brian Halligan!

Continuing Our Customer Focus Into the New Year and Beyond

More than anything, 2016 saw us continue our unparalleled commitment to the customers themselves.

Our new mobile app rolled out over the course of the year, helping to make it easier than ever for customers to manage all of their content on the go.

Our app allows our clients to review orders, handle in-house communications and more. All from that wonderful little device that they were already carrying around with them in their pocket.

At the beginning of the year we asked our customers point blank what they wanted to see and “Content Strategy” was the overwhelming response.

With that in mind, we launched a plethora of wildly popular new options like fixed price products designed to save time and money in one fell swoop.

From any way you choose to look at it, this year has built a solid foundation for an even better 2017, 2018 and beyond and we couldn’t possibly be more excited about it.

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