Content Marketing: 4 Types of Content to Create … Right Now

You know you need to do content marketing, right? After all, it is being hailed as one of the hottest marketing trends of 2011 and is expected to grow even more in 2012.

But creating content is hard. And time consuming. And if not done well, it can fall flat.

This is a challenge for the best marketers – even the ones who consistently produce brilliant ideas. Yet they find a way to make it happen and develop the content they need.

The problem lies in an inability to come up with compelling content that will not only entice your readers, but keep them wanting to come back for more. You, the brave marketer who is constantly on the prowl for new ways to drive traffic to your site, need to come up with new ways to use content to your advantage.

Fortunately, there’s help. Here are four types of content you can create today that will keep your website interesting and lively for weeks and months to come:

Write Articles or Blog Posts – If you don’t have a blog yet, you need one and fast. Studies show that company websites with a blog see an average increase of 55 percent just through their blogging efforts alone. If a blog still sounds too overwhelming to try to develop, create articles to distribute online. Using keywords strategically, you will not only improve your search engine rankings, but also allow you to have a voice about issues affecting your industry. Not a writer? That’s easy. Content services have been developed to help marketers get in touch with people who have a passion for crafting captivating articles or blog posts for your site. Simply contact them with an assignment, and they will have somebody drafting your next piece in no time.

Establish Yourself as an Industry Expert – In addition to your own content, round up other blogs or magazine’s interesting articles and send them out in a weekly ezine. Your readers will be grateful for the information and next time they need help with something, your company will be the one they turn to.

Make It Dynamic – Not all content has to be written. Create a podcast or video on a subject you’re an expert in. Your customers can listen to this in their car or watch it on their coffee break. Video is taking the internet by storm, which means there are more opportunities for yours to go viral.

Infographics – If a video sounds too daunting, try creating a fun image. Infographics are a popular way to distribute information on recent survey results, or compare and contrast various scenarios. Get creative and design an infograph to go along with your blog or article and increase the number of ways people can share the information you’re providing.

Content creation does not have to be overwhelming. Using a content service provider of your choice can help you distribute engaging material and give your biz a boost.

Kimberly C is a freelance writer available on WriterAccess, a marketplace where clients and expert writers connect for assignments.

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