Content Marketing Trends: It’s All About Your Audience

Whoosh! Another week is out the door, and another edition of Content Marketing Trends is in!

So saddle up your turtles before the week’s spent, and take a look at this week’s article roundup of articles to help keep your strategy on track, your content relevant, and your audience interested. 

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How Well Do You Know Your Audience?

Your Audience Is Not the Same as Your Marketing Database via Content Marketing Insitute

So, you’ve been at this content marketing thing for a while, now, and you’ve gathered yourself a pretty-long list of subscribers. That’s wonderful! Now that you have those subscribers, though, don’t make the mistake of equating your database with your audience. Your database constitutes a specific portion of your audience, but not the entire thing. Content marketers who make this mistake risk sending blanket messages that are irrelevant to a huge part of the recipients. 

Avoid sending irrelevant messaging to a huge part of your audience (and, in turn, losing your willing listeners) by giving this article from Content Marketing Institute a read. You’ll learn how to discern audience segments and create specially targeted content for each segment.  

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News from Where? From the Top (of WriterAccess)!

Attention Content Marketers: According to the GPS, This Is Where We Are Now via WriterAccess

Good news! WriterAccess CEO, Byron White has a content marketing GPS in his office, or perhaps, he is the content marketing GPS in his office. Either way, he’s here to tell us exactly where we, content marketers, are right now and provide us with a detailed map for navigating the way forward with our content strategies. 

If you, like most of us, find yourself a little lost and in need of some direction in this currently foggy forest of content marketing, set up camp for the night and take a look at Byron’s map. 

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Are You Alienating Your Audience? And Other Contemporary Content Marketing Questions to Ponder

5 Content Marketing Trends That Should Be on Your Radar via Forbes

We find ourselves in strange times, strange times, indeed.

For content marketers, the strangeness of these times means that our tried and true content strategies will often no longer serve us. So, go ahead and click the link to this recent article from Forbes. Then take a look a look at some of the most recent trends in content marketing to help you hold onto your audience and keep your content and your strategy relevant through 2020 and beyond. 

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Breaking News: Time Mysteriously Disappears from Multiple Offices (I’m Not Saying It’s Aliens, but Maybe It’s Aliens)

9 Productivity Tips to Save Time Content Marketing via Search Engine Journal

Have you experienced the phenomenon of missing time?

Have you experienced this unexplained, paranormal event at the office?

You visit the break room to fill your coffee, and BAM! an hour’s gone. You check your company’s Instagram, and ZAP! it’s already five o’clock, and you have no memory of the missing hours. 

Rather than paranormal occurrences, these episodes of missing time are more likely the result of productivity issues in your content marketing department. Time, however, doesn’t have to continue mysteriously slipping away; you can rescue it with these time-saving productivity tips from Search Engine Journal. Click the article, read it, and be amazed at how it doesn’t take up your entire workday. 

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Get More Googlers to Your Content

Content Ideation: The Methods and Tools Necessary for Content Marketing Success via CMSWire

Did you know there’s a study out there, and its findings reveal that more than 90% of content gets absolutely zero-zip-nada-zippo-zilch organic traffic from Google?

You’re a content marketing star, so your content probably isn’t part of that 90%… or maybe it wasn’t included in the study.

However, if you find that your content isn’t getting as much attention as you’d like, then read this article from CMSWire. You’ll find some nifty ideas and advice for creating excellent, search-worthy, relevant content so you can expand your audience. 

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Put On Your Smartest-Looking Glasses and Get Ready to Tell Your Story Like a Journalist

Storytelling vs. Content Marketing via Business 2 Community

You’ve probably heard that storytelling content is the best type. But what exactly does this even mean? 

If you’re a journalist or have a journalism background, then you know that a good story always answers the who, what, where, when, why, and how questions. Great content should do the same.

This type of content is efficient. It gets the job done. It tells your audience what to expect from your brand, but it isn’t very memorable. According to this article (all about storytelling content) from Business 2 Community, you can take your storytelling content from monotone-headline-news to heart-wrenching, tear-jerking, goes-down-in-history status, but you’ll need to add a dash of emotion. Read the full article to learn how (plus who, what, where, when, and why). 

Until next week!

Jennifer G WriterAccess

A full-time freelance writer and editor, Jennifer G. believes that understanding each client’s unique business, brand, voice, passions, and goals is the true challenge of content creation. With every new project, she loves diving in, getting acquainted, and developing long-lasting relationships with her clients. Jennifer is also the author of our weekly content marketing trends report that hits the blog every Friday morning.

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