May Content Marketing Trends: Coronavirus Edition

Trending everywhere in news are updates about COVID-19, and it’s no surprise considering the impact the pandemic has had all around the world. It has had some effect on nearly every aspect of our lives from the way we interact and communicate to how we shop for groceries and go to work. Whether you’re locked down or getting ready to return to the office, we wish you safety and wellness and invite you to catch up with the latest content marketing trends.

Read on to learn how novel coronavirus has changed the way we think about and create content and how you can improve your content marketing skills in the midst of this uncertain business climate. 

Experts Answer Questions about Marketing During These Unprecedented Times

4 Takeaways for Content Marketers in the Time of COVID-19 via Search Engine Land

Being a doctor, grocer, contractor, or marketer during a global pandemic is a first for everyone, so it’s only natural to have questions about how you can continue doing your best at work. As a marketer, you can absolutely continue communicating with your customers during this time, but it’s important to reconsider your messaging. As you continue marketing, make sure you can balance your communication goals with empathy because everyone’s perspective has shifted. 

To learn more about offering up positive, optimistic content while maintaining respect and sympathy for those who are struggling, take a look at this article from Search Engine Land. Marketing experts inspect how the marketing landscape has changed since the rise of COVID-19 and provide guidance for adjusting and continuing your content marketing strategy. 

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These Tips Simplify Content Marketing from Home

Content Marketing in the New World via Business 2 Community

Most of us are working from home, which means the rest of your marketing team is no longer just an office, workstation, or cubicle away. Communication has been limited to video chats, texts, phone calls, and emails, which can result in major workflow disruptions within a marketing department. While working from home can be challenging, it also offers up a great opportunity for generating better-than-ever-before content in a quiet place where you can let your creativity loose.

Despite potential workflow complications, it’s more important than ever to maintain communications with your customers while your main office or place of business might be closed. This article from Business 2 Community recommends leveraging social media platforms and video content to stay connected with your audience. For more great ways to continue content marketing during the pandemic, hitch up your I’m-working-from-home sweatpants and read the complete article. 

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Why You Need to Hold onto Your Content Marketing Hats in This Pandemic Windstorm

Six Reasons Content Marketing Is Crucial to Your Business via Forbes

The fact that content marketing is crucial to business isn’t news to us content marketers. In times when working capital might be wearing thin, however, it’s smart to remind ourselves and all the business owners out there just how vital content marketing is to a business’s function.

At a time when many storefronts are closed or operating with adjusted hours and policies, staying connected to your customers is essential. It’s the responsibility of content marketers all around the world to help customers understand how they can stay in touch, continue accessing products and services, and feel comforted knowing that you’re there for them. 

Also, we no longer live in a world where radio and print ads reach a big enough market, making all forms of content important. If you’re still not convinced, you can read the full article to learn even more reasons why your business needs content marketing. 

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Minor Adjustments Can Have a Major Impact

8 Things to Help Your Content Marketing Survive the Pandemic via Content Marketing Institute

In full swing, your content strategy is a beauty to behold. During the pandemic, things (understandably) might feel a bit rocky. If your content strategy is struggling with a reduced budget or a workflow that’s been interrupted with working from home, know that it’s okay to make some adjustments. In fact, adjusting your content strategy now might be a surprisingly smart decision. 

This article from Content Marketing Institute provides some guidance on the types of changes you might consider making to help your strategy not only survive but thrive, at least until the world – and your content strategy – can return to business as usual.  

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Save Resources by Leveraging Outsourced Talent

How to Find Freelance Writers for Marketing Agency White Label Projects via WriterAccess

Hiring in-house talent like writers, graphic designers, and animators can be quite costly. Attempting to generate all your content by yourself? Well, that’ll cost you even more in time. (Plus, your content could suffer, unless you’re actually a creative content marketing savant.) With stress on your budget and constraints on the amount of time you can devote to content marketing, however,  neither your business nor your content strategy needs to suffer. Simply fill in the gaps with freelancers. 

Whether you’re running a marketing agency or have a company with its own marketing department, you can have all your content marketing needs satisfied by freelance help from creatives who contract independently. Plus, with WriterAccess, finding reliable, vetted talent is easy. Read the full article to learn more about hiring freelancers for your white label projects. 

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Take a Break from the News and Dive into a Captivating Content Marketing Read

The 17 Best Content Marketing Books You Can Read Right Now via Entrepreneur

In COVID-19 lockdown, some of us are busier than ever. Some of us are homeschooling children, having to cook. every. meal. at. home., and some with essential jobs have found their overtime workloads taking up more hours than are actually available. On the other hand, some of us are in lockdown by ourselves with no one but pets (for the lucky) and sock puppets (for the not so lucky) to keep us company. 

If you find yourself in the second category with a fairly blank schedule, then you might consider filling some of your free time (and your free headspace) with a list of stellar content marketing books that you can start reading right now. Take a look at the list from Entrepreneur and get ready to return to work with a newly improved marketing game. 

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What adjustments are you making to your content marketing strategy in the wake of Coronavirus? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Jennifer G WriterAccess

Jennifer G. has experience writing in many different genres, forms, voices, and venues. Though she has written content for a diverse group of industries, her most extensive experience is within banking, finance, medical, health, veterinary, and consumer goods. Jennifer worked in the financial industry for nearly thirteen years. During her time in banking, she held many positions (working as a teller, new accounts specialist, bookkeeper, staff supervisor, social media and marketing manager, security, and loan officer). As the bank’s marketing officer, she managed website content, social media content, radio advertising, and the company newsletter.

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