Lisa specializes in delivering current health and wellness content to others. She translates the medical terminology into words that everyone can understand. When readers grasp the information and use it, they improve their health.
Exercise, sports, philosophy, women's and gender studies, health, nutrition, reading, writing, hula-hooping, rock-climbing, kayaking, cycling, dogs, coaching and dance.
Earned her Master of Arts in philosophy from Eastern Michigan University. Her study concentrations are philosophy of sport, disability, and gender.
Lisa writes health articles with purpose. Her goal is to educate others on ways to live longer and to experience quality of life. Her books, magazine articles and web content are written in an easy-to-follow format so readers are quickly able to apply the information to their lifestyles.
Lisa has written for numerous fitness magazines and websites within the past 12 years. She enjoys combining current research with traditional exercises to keep workouts fresh and varied.
Lisa writes nutritional articles that suggest natural remedies for chronic conditions and symptoms. She uses current research to support her information. Her goal is to alleviate readers' discomfort and improve their health.
Lisa provides newsletter content for those in the health industry such as chiropractors and massage therapists.