Current news and opinions, healthcare, sports and fitness, fashion, pop culture
Fashion, health & beauty, entertainment, reading, writing, animals, professional sports (MLB, NFL, horse racing, etc.), French language
Human resources, marketing, e-commerce, franchising, management
Completed some coursework in Fashion & Retail Management, BBS.
As someone who suffers from food allergies and has a personal interest in nutrition, Erin has researched, written, and sold multiple articles on diet and nutrition.
Erin has written and sold articles on beauty topics including hair color, cosmetics, and skincare (general skincare, skin disorders, and treatments). As the daughter of a hair stylist/cosmetologist, Erin grew up exposed to the world of beauty and hair care. She stays up-to-date by reading beauty publications in digital and hard copy.
Erin has written and sold in-depth articles on health/medical topics including illness/disease, treatments, and medication. Based on the strength of her submitted writing samples, Erin has been given Expert status in "Illnesses" and "General Wellness" on one content provider's site, in which she is given priority access to jobs in those categories.
Erin has written and sold several articles covering medical topics including illnesses/disorders, treatment options, and prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Erin has earned expert status in healthcare topics for her writing samples.
Erin has relied on both personal experience and research to produce and sell articles related to self-help topics.
Erin has written and sold several articles on fitness topics including how to use fitness equipment and exercises to target specific muscle groups.
Erin has sold several articles on current, trending topics in the entertainment industry including celebrities, music, and TV as viral content for digital newspapers. Erin has received a letter of reference from a senior managing editor as endorsement for acceptance into graduate school writing programs based on her work ethic, quality of content, and her skills as a grammarian.
Erin has observed canine behavior and obedience training sessions (puppy and adult) at a local training facility as part of an online obedience program. She has written a few articles on dog breeds and training.
Erin has written and sold a couple sports-themed articles covering NFL players and The Kentucky Derby, which was recently submitted to a digital newspaper by a senior managing editor that often requests work from Erin.
Erin recently sold her first article to a publisher that needed unique content for a fashion website. The article titled "Arm Candy: Spring 2014 Handbags" covered the top trending handbag styles of the season. Erin excelled in coursework completed in fashion and retail management classes through the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, and she has worked in fashion retail at one of the nation's biggest department stores, Macy's. She follows the industry and trends via print and digital publications.
Erin has worked as a private tutor and summer school teacher for elementary school children. She also received course credit for her semester as a student teacher in which she created and taught lesson plans. She has written many academic research papers in both MLA and APA format as an undergraduate student.
This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.