Maureen specializes in green writing. She has written over twenty successful grants, countless web articles, newsletters, blog posts, headline stories, press releases and more. She is most comfortable writing what she knows: the environmental and sustainability fields.
Maureen is most interested in recycling, stream restoration and local food. Additionally, she is a runner, enjoys learning about outer space and gardening.
Maureen completed a degree in Biology with a concentration on environmental studies at Mount Union. She studied abroad in Costa Rica for a summer semester.
Maureen studied English with a concentration on creative writing at Mount Union. Her senior project was a series of short stories and poems about her experience in Costa Rica.
Maureen completed a 15 week course through the Ohio University Extension on stream restoration and community organizing.
Maureen continues to further her education through courses at Poynter on writing and editing.
Maureen worked in the non profit field for nearly a decade, leading a rural community to restore their heavily polluted stream. She was the lead writer for the non profit and wrote over 20 successful grants, every press release the group sent out, all website content, all pamphlets, newsletters, membership renewal letters and so forth. (This number of paid projects is an estimate and may even be low!)
Maureen worked for a community college in their sustainability department for about two years writing up case studies, technical reports, press releases, grant applications and so forth. She was the go-to writer of the department. She also taught a week long summer camp class on "Ohio Animals."
Maureen has been writing for the green industry for twelve years. Recently, she has been writing Green Living articles for an website focusing on place based writing. She also wrote all "focus area" content for the Stark SCENES site, a website focused on the sustainability of Stark County.
Maureen worked at a stream restoration non profit for nearly a decade, managing and writing grants, many for state, local and federal grants. All of these grants required multiple grant reports that Maureen authored.
Maureen has been writing for the science and environmental industry for over a decade. She has recently been writing freelance articles for education sites relating to science.
Maureen wrote nearly all "focus areas" content for the Stark SCENES website and most front page story highlights, a site focused on the sustainability of Stark County, Ohio. A number of the pages on Stark SCENES were about the outdoors and recreation.
Maureen is an avid gardener with many gardening family members. She has written a few articles on the subject and hopes to continue branching into the field.
Maureen wrote an article on her own experience with breastfeeding issues for Breastfeeding Today, the leading magazine for nursing mothers.
Maureen is currently writing freelance for a number of education websites on green topics. She has written over twenty of such articles. She also wrote a great deal of articles for the Stark SCENES website and wrote countless newsletter articles for her former stream restoration non profit and community college sustainability department.
Maureen wrote articles for eleven stream restoration project newsletters and four community college sustainability department newsletters.
Maureen wrote nearly half of the content on the Stark SCENES website as well as all of the content on the Huff Run website as well as numerous articles through freelance projects.
Maureen has worked in the environmental and sustainability industry for twelve years at a stream restoration project, a community college's sustainability department and now as a freelance writer. She wrote each and every press release that the non profit and sustainability department needed and so has extensive experience.
Maureen wrote twenty seven proposals for a stream restoration nonprofit and three for a community college's sustainability department. Twenty of the grants were successful at the non profit and the community college shut down their program before the other three had run their full course.
Maureen was the co-administrator of a community college's sustainability department's facebook page. She wrote a few full posts but more often contributed partial information for posts.