Michelle's specialties include catalog pieces, blogs, criticism, and writing features.
Michelle's interests include rock music, reading new fiction and nonfiction, cooking, popular culture, dogs, working out, traveling, checking out new restaurants, education, television (especially "Mad Men," "Breaking Bad," and "Downton Abbey"), and parenting.
Michelle pursued her Bachelor's degree in Communication-Mass Media with an emphasis on news writing. In addition to her major degree, she earned a minor in English. Prior to becoming a teacher, Michelle worked as a staff writer and reporter for several local newspapers, as well as a freelance writer for several online publications.
Michelle studied Secondary Education in pursuit of her master's degree. She has licensure in Secondary Language Arts in two states, and taught high school English for 7 years.
Michelle cut her teeth in the world of journalism as a music critic for several alternative music magazines when she was still in high school. She continued writing about music and writing album and concert reviews in college. As a staff writer for a local weekly newspaper, she had many opportunities to write concert reviews and musician interviews, and freelanced for Prefix webzine as a music reviewer and features writer.
Michelle has been writing entertainment features for 20 years, for both online and print publications. She has written pieces for entertainment subjects such as music, movies, and television.
Michelle has been writing for 20 years, and maintains a blog about her life with her 2 boys, husband, and geriatric dachshund. She has written several pieces that have been published both online and in print.
Michelle has been writing for 20 years, and maintains a blog about life with her busy family. Her work has been published both online and in print. She is a former English teacher, and currently works at home while watching her children.
Michelle has been an English, speech, creative writing, and theater teacher for 7 years. She has a master's degree in Secondary Education. While pursuing her master's degree, Michelle took numerous classes on pedagogy, as well as the education, development, and psychology of high school students. As a teacher, she continued pursuing professional development opportunities to improve upon and learn more about her practice.
Michelle has written numerous articles, for both online and print publications. She is adept at writing articles, as they give her the opportunity to showcase her creative side.
Michelle has written many pieces for catalog work, and finds it a great outlet for her creative side. Her catalog work is short, sweet, to the point, and fun. She has a way with words, and is willing to write about most any subject.