Liz writes on general topics but enjoys writing on Education, Health and Wellness (especially mental health), Travel and Parenting.
Liz is happiest when curled up with a good book, especially if the book is one of the classics.
Travel and experiencing different cultures is another of her hobbies.
She is interested in current affairs and makes a point of keeping up to date on what is happening in the world.
Liz studied English and Philosophy at the NUI before qualifying as an English teacher.
As a former teacher Elizabeth applies her classroom skills to writing for the education industry. She has written on psychometric testing, choosing a career and articles on how parents can motivate their children to study.
Elizabeth has written articles in a number of niches including health, wellness, lifestyle , parenting and travel
Elizabeth has written product descriptions for the oral healthcare niche. Her work has involved describing various products, and comparing products and delivering buying recommendations.
Descriptions of technical products included a series of articles on buying and using firesticks.