technical writing, motivational treatises, SEO optimized web content, press releases, motivational speaking, inspiring youth
Basketball, Golf, Reading, Speaking and Writing
This doctorate was the culmination of my studies that ranged from two degrees in Psychology, one in Kinesiology and Biomechanics, and three in Theology. This journey began in 1986 and has afforded me some extraordinary opportunities.
I founded my ministry, Rick W. Ministries, while undergoing my studies in the Masters program during this time.
At this time I was studying for my Bachelors in Theology at this time as well.
This was an exciting time in my life as the world of knowledge began to open up to me and I realized all that was laid out before me.
As the study of God's word took on a new form my future and my vision began to take shape.
Rick W. has 20 plus years of experience in the health & fitness industry. He sits as the Dean of the School for the Ministry of Health and Wellness at A Ray of Hope Theological Seminary. He's the Founder & President of RWM Christian Institute of Holistic Living, Master Fitness 21 and Stay Fit Fitness & Training. He writes professional product and services reviews in the Health and Fitness Industry.
Rick holds several degrees in theology, including a Doctorate of Divinity and writes instructive technical and prose Bible Studies, and inspirational messages as well as authoring and publishing three books.
I have counseled numerous couples concerning relational issues, as well as authoring my fourth book: When Your House Is Not A Home (Scheduled to hit the press before years end.)
Rick specializes in online marketing; anything that has to do with creating a web presence he has mastered. Through both of his companies, Myriad Business Solutions and Odyssey Media Group, he builds brands and broadens exposure for businesses, ministries, entertainers, and public figures.
I have written three books which have been published and a third is scheduled to go to press before the end of 2012.
This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.