Alison specializes in writing on the law, politics, and current events.
Alison is particularly interested and experienced in writing on the following areas:
- Law
- Politics/Business
- Current Events
- Social Justice Issues
- Culture/Arts
- Creative Writing
Alison has worked as a litigation attorney for over five years. She has drafted numerous legal briefs, court filings, memoranda, and legal blog posts and clerked for a federal judge. Alison also has experience investigating legal issues - both legal research and interviewing clients and witnesses. She also has experience with legal writing and editing as an editor for a highly regarded law review publication. Alison also has a deep understanding of the U.S. courts system.
Alison's legal career has focused on government investigations. She has experience drafting memoranda during the course of investigations and preparing clients for government interviews. Alison also has writing experience focused on U.S. and world politics. Alison majored in Government while at Georgetown University.
Alison has written articles for legal blogs, published in a law review journal, and drafted articles for a local newspaper. Alison has also conducted extensive research and fact-checking as part of publishing articles.