Rebecca specializes in content about:
Consumer technology - products or services for individuals and businesses.
E-commerce products - reviews, descriptions, advertorials
Inbound digital marketing - particularly funnels, landing pages and CRO
Small business - formerly Assistant to Director of SBDC, familiar with all aspects of starting and managing a small business
Travel - Rebecca has traveled extensively both domestically and internationally
Real Estate - experience with content aimed at buyers, sellers and agents
Home Renovation - floors, cabinets, appliances, kitchens and bathrooms
Sports and Recreation Equipment - mainly golf and tennis, plus anything beach-related
Health and Wellness - sleep, posture, healthy eating
Rebecca is an avid reader and frequent traveler, with a particular interest in history. She is also endlessly fascinated by almost all advances in technology.
Rebecca also enjoys learning about almost anything new. The research she does for work is a genuine pleasure for her.
Formerly an Assistant to the Director of a Small Business Development Company, Rebecca is familiar with all aspects of starting and managing a small business. Additionally, she has written about various topics for clients since becoming a full-time freelance writer in 2015.
Rebecca has written about different aspects of travel for a variety of clients, as well as a personal travel blog she wrote for several years. She travels frequently, and has a great deal of personal experience with many different aspects of this topic.
Rebecca has written many pages of content for a number of different real estate agencies. They included advice for buyers and sellers, as well as software and services for the real estate agents themselves.
Rebecca has written product descriptions and reviews for single products and services, as well as roundups or bundles of several products.
Rebecca has written blog posts for many companies across a wide variety of industries. From dump trucks to legal issues, artificial turf to gemstones and much more. She writes about almost anything that doesn't require an advanced technical background.
Rebecca has written web page content for clients in a number of different industries, such as: real estate, home renovations, electricians, legal services and more.
Rebecca wrote about stock market news for more than a hundred issues of one client's email newsletter.
Several of Rebecca's clients have requested 3 posts for Twitter in addition to the blog post or article they commissioned.
Rebecca has written ads for products that have been placed in publications such as Penny Hoarder and SF Gate.
Rebecca has written multiple landing pages, plus the individual ads that led to them for one company and landing pages alone for other companies.
Rebecca wrote one email for a real estate agency that was aimed at non-profit agencies, and another for an ecommerce company to send to buyers who had abandoned their carts.
Rebecca wrote one eBook for a glass company about how to increase the value of your home, and one for a marketing agency about marketing ROI.
Rebecca wrote one white paper for a fleet management software and services company, and one for a mobile health care solutions company.
Rebecca has written FAQ as part of larger projects which included a lot more information about companies and their products.
Rebecca wrote a script for a 2 person, 30 second video for a project that also included a landing page and email content.