John has special experience as a lawyer in several areas of the law: products liability, legal malpractice, medical malpractice, wrongful death, and garden variety personal injury claims, among others. Like many in his industry, he started his career as an insurance defense lawyer, but, for the last 30 years or so, has nearly exclusively represented clients injured either physically or financially by the carelessness or intention of wrongdoers. At the core of all of that work is conceiving and delivering persuasive arguments...sales on a commission.
Also, for the last 30 years he has represented a special interest organization in its legislative interests in the state legislature. He reads proposed legislation to identify proposals that impact the organization's interests, creates reports about those impacts, proposes amendments to lessen or enhance the identified impacts and offers arguments for the support of those positions.
As one might imagine, writing letters and memorandums communicating positions, proposing resolutions to disputes, and seeking to persuade is a large part of his practice.
John has an interest, without claiming particular expertise, in a wide diversity of subjects: bird watching and feeding; all things natural; fishing; politics; government and governance; archaeology; anthropology; medicine; and religion.
Attended from 9/1/62 to 5/31/66 approximately for undergraduate degree and from 9/1/66 to 5/31/69 for Juris Doctor degree.
Virtually all of his writing experience has been in this industry.
Much of John's practice in the medical and legal malpractice fields has required review and summary of sometimes thousands of records to assess the quality of the performance of professionals and to identify the parts of that performance that required analysis by experts for standard of care and causation. Once that is done, it is converted to an outline for an examination of witnesses and ultimately, a letter summarizing all of those facts, among others, into a demand for settlement to get the matter resolved.
Working as a contingency lawyer, the ability to monetize a claim for a particular loss often depends on the existence of insurance which will cover the damage produced by the wrongdoer. As a consequence, I have examined hundreds of insurance policies for coverage and communicated the results of that analysis to clients, other lawyers, and insurance professionals.
His speech writing experience includes the materials for making presentations to other lawyers on a variety of topics intended to educate.