Engineering, food and nutrition, IT and data security, software, technology, travel, SEO marketing, spirituality
Community service, movies, news, reading, religions and spirituality, swimming, technology, travel, walking, and of course, writing.
Jojy started out in freelance writing after retiring from a long career in high tech.
Jojy has been working in High Tech his entire working life until his retirement. He has worked on over 50 high tech projects in both the R&D and manufacturing sectors.
Jojy had a long career in Silicon Valley spanning over 25 years in software development. During this time, he worked on well over 30 projects.
Jojy started his high tech career with an eight years stint in electronics equipment manufacturing which included at least ten large manufacturing projects.
Business Consulting
Food & Nutrition
IT & Data Security
Marketing & Advertising
Web Design/UX