Michelle writes articles, blog posts, product descriptions, press releases, lists, about pages and much more. She specializes in articles and blog posts about history, though she has years of experience writing outside of her specialty.
Blogging, fitness, parenting, pets, animals, camping, manual boating, hiking, history (history is also one of my niches), music and travel.
Michelle was a professional line cook for 10 years. When she began writing, she continued her love of working with food by writing recipes and food-related articles. Michelle writes mostly about cooking methods and techniques for fruits, meats and vegetables. However, she does write the occasional baking recipe or technique article.
As a stepmother of one and aunt of seven, Michelle spends a lot of time with children and therefore, finds herself writing about them quite frequently. She writes about everything from helping children with pets to best after school activities. Michelle also writes family-oriented articles about how to spend quality time with children.
Michelle writes about everything from dogs to reptiles. Pet care, general animal knowledge and pet selection are topics with which she is very familiar. Her favorite animal related articles regard wild animals, so she is able to write about exotic pets. However, as a lifelong pet owner, she can write about more traditional pets and their care as well.
As someone who has traveled across the country by truck and by plane (the latter on numerous occasions) and who has traveled to three countries other than her own, Michelle is familiar with many locations and can write comfortably about them. Her most familiar city is Boston, though. She is able to write strong, authoritative Boston travel guides.
Humor is not Michelle's niche, but she does enjoy writing humor for her own sites and whenever a client requests it.
Michelle is an avid gamer, though she tends to write on other topics more often than on gaming. When she does write about gaming, it is generally in the RPG genre. Michelle does play children's games and music games with family, though, so she is capable of writing about these topics. Her favorite console is the XBox 360. She also plays the Wii and older game consoles.
Michelle has written articles for numerous private clients and web content sites. Most of her work is on history, world news and nature topics. Nearly all of her work is article length informative pieces.
Michelle owns and populates three blogs and writes for that many more. Some of her ghostwriting jobs have been for blogs as well. She has done informative, humorous, top ten, casual and first person blog work. She has also done some fiction and review work.
Michelle writes book reviews, both for her own blog and for clients. She also does character analyses, plot summaries, author profiles and interviews (rarely). She writes about both fiction and non-fiction books, though her blog audience rather prefers fiction book reviews.