Alessio S
Writer #35800
Joined 2/20/2020
4 Star Rating
100% Success
640 Projects
2 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Alessio is a freelance writer specializing in blogs, email marketing, and newsletter writing for a variety of clients in different industries. He is also a screenwriter with an experience writing both dramatically and comedically. Before being a freelancer, Alessio was a Director of Content at an email marketing firm and a director and producer for a digital video company.
Press Release
Blog Post
Email Copy


Email marketing and prospecting, simplifying complex processes, writing about technology, and product/process writing in a conversational tone.


Creative writing, entertainment writing, and working with clients to find creative solutions to complex problems.


Auburn University

Alessio received his Bachelor's Degree in Radio, Television, and Film from Auburn University in December of 2013. While attending Auburn University, Alessio worked for the college radio station, the Media and Digital Resources lab, as a videographer for the College of Liberal Arts, and founded and presided over the Auburn University New Media Club. He still keeps in contact with the faculty and students that he worked alongside, both personally and professionally.


300 Projects Completed

Alessio has written for an email marketing firm for over two years—both as an overseeing editorial voice and as a freelance writer. This work has included email marketing, blog writing, newsletter authoring, and presentation generation. He has written both formally and informally, short-form and long-form, for clients in a plethora of industries, including but not limited to Information Technology, Digital Video, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Services, Retail, Real-Estate, and Finance.

Since a majority of this work is under strict NDA, please enjoy this mock-up sample.


10 Projects Completed

Having been a digital video and film industry professional for 10+ years, Alessio has found himself also writing blogs, reviews, and thought pieces on the subject. Unfortunately, a majority of this work is under NDA, so his sample is not reflective of an actual paid-for piece.


0 Projects Completed

All of Alessio's entertainment experience has been in screenwriting (either independent projects working alongside independent producers for possible property sales or development deals, or through competition). Since most of this work is actively out for potential opportunities, please enjoy this sample taken from his grant-winning short film screenplay, "Are You Alright?"

Email Copy

300 Projects Completed

Alessio has been an email marketing cold outreach writer and editor for 3+ years, writing for hundreds of clients in the process. These have ranged from short-form cold prospecting emails to emails raising awareness of certain professional events. Names and specifics have been removed from the email sample provided.

Blog Post

20 Projects Completed

Alessio has ghost-written blog posts for several companies—including construction, video production, and marketing firms. The attached sample is accredited directly to him for marketing firm Sapper Consulting, based out of St. Louis, Missouri.

Press Release

10 Projects Completed

Alessio has written several press releases for companies, non-profits, and student organizations in the past. These have all been picked up and discussed by various sources ranging from The St. Louis Post Dispatch to The Boston Globe.

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