Sharon W
Writer #34728
Joined 11/23/2019
5 Star Rating
100% Success
1,496 Projects
4 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Sharon writes articles, guides, blog posts, web pages, and community pages. She covers technology, digital marketing, SEO, media production, education, and mental health.

She holds a BA in Digital Communications and has over a decade of professional experience writing for websites and blogs. Her advanced research skills enable a broad perspective of topics, resulting in well-rounded and valuable content.

Sharon works to educate the reader and keep them interested by approaching topics with an informative and knowledgeable voice.
She leverages content optimization using tools such as Yoast and Grammarly Pro to deliver polished content ready for publication.
Web Page
Blog Post


Content Writing

Types: Web Pages, Blog Posts, How-To Articles, Community Guides

Skills: Research, AP Style, Brand Voice, On and Off-Page SEO, Alt Text, Meta Data, UX

Sharon's specialties include writing for digital spaces on content writing, new and emerging technology, and digital marketing. She is adept at writing for social media audiences and also creates infographics, carousels, and other visual content.


Sharon is a writer and artist to her core. She's adept at writing SEO-friendly content for digital spaces. Additionally, she's equally skilled at producing social media content such as infographics, carousels, and other visual content.

She is well-versed in new and emerging technology, digital marketing, content creation, and creative writing. She also enjoys writing about continuing education, the arts, and mental health.

When she isn't creating content for clients, she's working on fiction or painting projects.


Shoreline Community College

Sharon concentrated on screenwriting, directing, and producing short videos while pursuing her film degree. She often worked with industry professionals as their 1st AD and co-wrote a dozen or more scripts for festivals. Additionally, she directed and produced several of her own projects.

Maintained a position on the Dean's List 2013 - 2017
Graduated with 3.96 GPA
Activities and Societies: Contributor to the College Newspaper, The EBBTIDE
Notetaker for the Students with Disabilities Office
English Tutor

Southern New Hampshire University

Member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars
Coursework in research, content creation, social media strategy, and communications best practices
Dean's List 2017 - 2019
Graduated with 3.97 GPA

Southern New Hampshire University

Soon to receive an MA in Creative Writing, with a focus on Screenwriting. Sharon is currently completing her thesis, a feature-length science-fiction script featuring a strong female lead. Her advanced education and experience working on-set give her an insight into writing about everything from character development to story structure.


127 Projects Completed

Webpages and blog posts for B2B. Sharon writes for Managed Service Providers, covering cloud technology, security, and communications.


104 Projects Completed

Sharon writes articles, blog posts, and reviews for eCommerce. She has decades of experience in digital marketing and writes content that draws those who are interested in learning about digital technology.


103 Projects Completed

Independent movie reviews, must-watch lists, and binge-able series. Sharon holds an MA in screenwriting and has a decade of experience writing for festivals and filmmakers. She is skilled in writing about the craft of screenwriting, character development, and how to write screenplays.


100 Projects Completed

Sharon writes for several educational sites, reviewing both institutions and programs.

Blog Post

557 Projects Completed

Sharon crafts researched blog posts for clients in Saas, MSPs, Lifestyle, community, marketing, and writing blogs.

Web Page

505 Projects Completed

Sharon writes SEO web pages for clients in industries including lifestyle, travel, community guides, Saas, MSPs, cloud services, medical, and more.

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