Logan W
Writer #34144
Joined 10/6/2019
3 Star Rating
20 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
In 2005, Logan got lucky and jumped on the chance to live in China for a year. He took full advantage of that year and extended it to 13 years and returned home in 2018! Crazy, eh? It certainly was an experience of a lifetime. During his early years, he picked up photography as a hobby and, with 10,000 hours of practice, he eventually became good at it. He enjoys writing about travel, photography, and the landscaping industry.
Blog Post
Facebook Post


Travel, photography, business, marketing


When I am not working, I am outside in nature taking photographs.


Capella University

Logan studied Business & Marketing and classes included: Management & Leadership, Business Law, Human Resources, Organizational Communication, Accounting & Finance, and Brand Identity (Distance Learning)

Arizona State University

Logan studied journalism and classes he took included: Diversity and Organizations, Media and Society, Media Issues in America Pop Culture, Visual Communication, and Race, Gender, and Media (Distance Learning).


0 Projects Completed

Logan enjoyed his 13 years of living abroad and traveled extensively around China during that time. He also spent a few weeks over summer a couple of years ago and traveled around Thailand with his son. He is now living in Ohio and regularly travels around the state and he frequently travels to Chicago.

Facebook Post

20 Projects Completed

Logan is currently employed full-time in the lawn care and landscaping industry. He is one of the managers at an Ohio company and he also serves as the social media marketing manager. He personally writes all content for the company's Facebook page including informational, fun, and factual posts.


0 Projects Completed

Logan is currently self-publishing a book about his 13 years of living in China. He is a passionate storyteller with an ability to leave the audience wanting more at the end of a chapter. Logan is halfway finished with the book and he sends his email subscribers chapters as they are completed. His writing style in the book is real, raw, and uncensored.

Blog Post

0 Projects Completed

Logan Wenger writes content for his personal website on the topics of travel and photography. He is passionate about travel and enjoys sharing his personal viewpoint on the subject with interesting, fun, and relevant information.

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