Specialty areas include education and technology
Interests are in health technology, online education and overall benefits of the Internet in social needs areas: social, economic, and environmental development
Dissertation: Effect of Personality on the Use and Perceived Utility of Web-Based Health Resources
3.9 GPA
3.9 GPA
concentration in Economics and Political Science 3.8 GPA
4.0 GPA
3.9 GPA
Natalie has 13+ years as an online educator. She has served as Internship Coordinator, Student Organization Club Adviser, and Subject Matter Expert. She has developed several educational PowerPoints, Videos, and other Interactive Features using Adobe Creative Suite tools.
Natalie has written a number of academic essays on the use of technology. Interest areas are in health content online, usability, interactivity, and more. She is in the top 1.6% of writers (annually) on Academia.edu in her subject areas.
Natalie has designed and developed websites using just HTML and CSS, using JavaScript, and some PHP. She has also used WordPress a great deal.
This portfolio includes examples of marketing and design. Natalie holds a degree in Web Design and Interactive Media and a Certificate in Internet Marketing. She has expertise in Adobe Creative Suite, G-Suite, and Microsoft Suite