Management and leadership:
Andrew has a management diploma, business improvement and project management training, and several years of experience as an in-house project manager and process improvement consultant. He has ghostwritten dozens of articles and a book on issues relating to management and leadership, helping clients to position themselves as thought leaders in this field.
Andrew has two degrees in history from Durham University and two years of experience as a postgraduate researcher in history. He has ghostwritten thirty books on the subject and written hundreds of articles for venues including History.com, War History Online, and Ancient History Magazine.
Education and training:
Andrew is a trained teacher and experienced workplace trainer, and so understands both the principles and the practices of education and training. He has led workshops, produced teaching materials, and written articles on education.
Andrew has ghostwritten sixteen novels in the fantasy and science fiction genres. He is also the co-author of three historical novellas and a military thriller, as well as dozens of published short stories.
Andrew has written comic scripts for Top Cow and DC Thomson.
Andrew's entertainment experience covers a range of different writing, including:
- fiction
- scripts
- history articles
- writing advice
He has had over fifty short stories published in magazines, websites and anthologies. His other fiction publications include three historical fiction novellas, one alternate history novel, and several historically set short stories. He has ghostwritten sixteen novels to other people's specifications. The published volumes of these books have average review ratings about four stars on Amazon and have gathered many positive reviews.
Andrew was a runner up in the Top Cow Comics talent hunt, and one of his scripts was turned into a backup feature in a Top Cow comic. He regularly writes comic scripts with historical settings for Commando Comics.
Andrew has written hundreds of history articles for sites such as History.com and War History Online, and ghostwritten over 30 books on events and people from history.
He has written articles on writing advice for Re:Fiction, as well as reviews and feature articles on entertainment topics for sites such as Sci-Fi Addicts.
Andrew has a management diploma, business improvement and project management training, and several years of experience as an in-house project manager and process improvement consultant. He has ghostwritten dozens of articles and a book on issues relating to business management and leadership, helping clients to position themselves as thought leaders in this field.
He has also written about business sectors for a company helping to publicise businesses. This has involved digging into different sectors, exploring their current shape, investment opportunities, and likely future direction.
Andrew has a postgraduate diploma in social science, which included studying elements of economics, and has worked as a data analyst for a company publishing financial data. This has provided him with a grounding in financial issues from which to research and write content. He regularly ghostwrites articles on finance and others aimed at investors, so his financial knowledge is broad and up to date. He has excellent research skills and is used to quickly mastering new topics, including their technical language, for the purposes of writing.
Andrew has ghostwritten 16 novels and over 30 non-fiction books for a range of clients. These have ranged in subject matter from teen fantasy adventures to a book on the application of marketing skills to business leadership. He is adept at adapting to a client's unique voice and style to create a book that fits their brand.
Andrew has written web copy for a wide range of sites, including engineering businesses, management consultants, a recruitment firm, and a medical regulator.
Andrew has written over 1400 articles and blog posts of various lengths for websites and magazines. These have covered a wide range of topics, from business leadership to healthy eating to the history of ancient Rome.
Andrew has written over 1400 articles and blog posts of various lengths for websites and magazines. These have covered a wide range of topics, from business leadership to healthy eating to the history of ancient Rome.
Andrew has ghostwritten white papers for businesses and thought leaders, using his writing skills to express their ideas in a clear, accessible format that demonstrates expertise. He has written an extended report for Juniper Research on the financial opportunities of 5G communications technology, using financial data and interview feedback to present a developed picture of the sector.
Andrew has experience of writing scripts. He was a runner up in Top Cow Comics' 2013 scriptwriting talent hunt and regularly write comic scripts for Commando Comics.