Adam M
Writer #2803
Joined 4/4/2011
3 Star Rating
100% Success
3,036 Projects
0 Endorsements
3 Elite Skills
Adam has been writing professionally in one form or another for the past several years.

Trained as a print journalist at the University of Montana, Adam left the University to pursue opportunities writing for multimedia and the web using the research skills he honed in his studies. During this time, he has gained experience in writing not only articles, but product copy, blogs and even short fiction.

Adam spent four years a staff writer for a small online electronics and outdoor gear company, slinging words for everything from toaster ovens to tents, creating informative and humorous blog posts and videos, writing articles, and managing social media accounts.

Adam subscribes to the philosophy is that writing needs to engage a potential customer, not just be visible. To that end he creates content that not only focuses on SEO best practices, but on providing real value to the reader, and therefore to the client.
Press Release
Banner Ad
Blog Post
Radio Spot
3 More


Adam's writing focuses on feature length articles, short blog posts, product copy, and writing geared towards social media. His focus is to not only drive potential customers, but to engage them with high quality content. This is done with a combination of research, dedication, and tightly created copy made while keeping the customer and client in mind, as well as hefty amounts of blood, sweat, and caffeine.


Adam is mainly interested in writing, and (geeky as he is) spends much of his time learning about it. When he's not either learning about or actually writing, he also likes to play with the latest electronic gadgets, bike in the sun (when it's available), play video games with friends, bake bread and pastries, and try to keep up with his favorite bands.


University of Montana

Adam enrolled at the University of Montana in the fall of 2002, seeking a major in Print Journalism, and a minor in Japanese. After studying for 3 years, it became obvious that print journalism as it currently existed was a rapidly disappearing field. Adam left in 2005 to pursue his interest in writing for multimedia and the web.


602 Projects Completed

Adam was the lead copywriter and editor for an online electronics and appliance store. His work includes product copy and articles for a retail website, sales copy, headlines, and technical copy for print catalogs and newspaper advertisements, as well as blog content and videos. His knowledge ranges from the mainstream (tablet computers, laptops, gaming systems, audio systems) to the esoteric (integrated home control systems, personal grooming devices). Adam is able to blend an understanding of technical details with a knack for explaining them to the uninitiated.


350 Projects Completed

Adam was the lead copywriter and editor for an online electronics and appliance store. His knowledge of appliances ranges from the technical (how a range, dishwasher, refrigerator, etc. works, what the current technology trends are) to the practical (how to use an oven, dishwasher, washing machine, etc., common user mistakes, how new technology affects the everyday user). His work includes product copy and articles for a retail websites, sales catalogs, print advertisements, and blogs.


202 Projects Completed

Adam was a staff writer and editor for an outdoor clothing and equipment company, creating articles about current clothing and equipment technology, helping to craft unique brand relationship stories, and writing website copy for products that range from undergarments to camp stoves. Adam draws on not only his research and analysis skills, but also personal experience living and playing in the Pacific Northwest, lending an authenticity to his writing.

Twitter Post

999 Projects Completed

Twitter is one of the premiere ways to promote a brand and connect with highly active, engaged customers. Adam has managed the Twitter accounts for a medium-sized electronics company, as well as managing several other streams for smaller clients. Adam attempts to track and respond to chatter related to the clients interests to build dialogue with potential customers, as well as curating interesting links and relevant content to keep an existing audience engaged.

Facebook Post

501 Projects Completed

Adam updated and created content for three Facebook pages for a medium-sized electronics, appliance, and outdoor sports company. In addition to promoting sales and original blog content, he created posts that were meant to engage customers, with the goal of creating viral content to raise brand awareness. He was responsible for creating daily content, and maintaining a regular content calender.

Blog Post

201 Projects Completed

Adam has been a featured author on multiple blogs, and has written on topics as diverse as electronics and appliance to mattresses and sleep. His focus is on content that's interesting and timely, while still being accessible and fun to readers. Adam has also spent time as the editor of a blog for an electronics retailer, working with and mentoring writers to produce steady content that appeals to consumers.


100 Projects Completed

Adam was responsible for writing, conceptualizing, and proofing advertisements for a medium-sized electronics company. In addition to weekly print ads for three markets, he also worked on web banners, Facebook covers for three companies, quarterly catalogs, mailers, and trade show flyers. His goal was eye-catching and informative copy that got customers to click-through to their website or come through their door.

Press Release

20 Projects Completed

Adam has written several press releases for a medium-sized electronics company to announce new products, changes in leadership, and events. Whether it's to create buzz around a product release, to announce an event, or even to control messaging around a major change, Adam understands communicating with the press is a major part of communicating with your customer.

Banner Ad

20 Projects Completed

Adam produced copy for banner ads for a medium-sized electronics company, focused on driving sales through affiliate sites. While most of the banner ads were created to be general, many were for specific product lines or categories. Because of the small space provided in most banner ads, the challenge in copy is creating enough impact to grab reader attention, while still being clear about the benefits they'll receive by clicking through to your site.


20 Projects Completed

Adam spent several years training as a journalist, honing his writing to produce both straight news articles as well as more complicated feature pieces. Adam has had articles appear in newspapers, and has written feature pieces for online publications. In addition, Adam has written smaller catalogs for a medium-sized electronics and appliance company, including several articles on topics from hooking up your washer and dryer to choosing and connecting the best home theater systems.


12 Projects Completed

Adam has written and produced videos for an electronics and appliance company, as well as videos for a game review site, and short comedy pieces. Adam's focus has largely been on short form videos meant to be easily digestible online. This means tight editing and rapid, snappy scripting that gets to the point quickly.


5 Projects Completed

Adam created copy for a quarterly catalog for a medium-sized electronics and appliance company. In addition to creating headline copy for each section, Adam also wrote articles on new product technology and gift guides. He created and edited product descriptions for over 100 products included in each catalog, and was responsible for final copy editing passes.

Radio Spot

4 Projects Completed

Adam has written radio spots for a medium-sized electronics company. His goal is to make sure that even casual listeners remember the name of the company and their services, as well as to promote current deals and promotions. Adam is also able to customize messages for specific markets, keeping the core of the message the same, but changing details and language of promotions or events so that they better fit in with the locale they're being broadcast in.

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