podcast show notes and social assets, ghostwriting, blog posts, e-books, email, white papers
technology, design, politics, travel, real estate
From 5G to Blockchain, AI and the Cloud, Craig delivers on smart narrative always geared to the target audience
With experience as a licensed Realtor writing experience of 10+ years, Craig has seen a lot and can write about it all. With a focus on real estate tech and disruption, Craig understands current trends in the industry.
Craig's work in the area of finance guides people into a greater understanding of the micro and macro level. This is an area where his B2C skills shine. Craig's writing helps the target audience gain knowledge without talking down to them.
Craig's experience in blog post writing is extensive. From respected publications like Forbes, Fast Company and Inman News, to enterprise-level work with IBM, SAP, northAmerican Moving Services, OnRamp and more - Craig can tackle a topic and get eyeballs reading about it.
One of Craig's niche services is producing podcast show notes and the related social assets needed to promote a podcast episode. Craig has a unique ability to promote podcasts in the client's authentic voice to the client's target audience. Good show notes add up to more ears listening in.
Craig understands that content is not just a once and done proposition. Upcycle your high-value content into an ebook. Craig's ability to edit, transition and harmonize content from various channels into a cohesive work is a prized skill he is glad to share with you.