Healthcare, law, nonprofits, finance, industrial services
Law, emerging technology, food, health & medicine, cryptocurrency
Sam attended the University of Pittsburgh from 2012-2015, where he studied public and professional writing.
Sam has worked with healthcare companies like MedExpress and UnitedHealthcare to develop bylined articles and blog posts. He's had ghostwritten articles published in and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Sam has drafted regular blog posts for MPW Industrial Services, an industrial cleaning company located in Ohio.
One of Sam's main clients is a family law firm based in Wisconsin. He has blogged extensively for this client.
Sam has blogged for national clients like UnitedHealthcare, as well as startup companies. His work spans many different industries, from healthcare to legal service.
Sam has experience producing articles under his own byline, as well as ghostwritten articles. He's had work published in, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Pittsburgh Parent Magazine, among many others.
Sam mastered the art of the press release while working in the marketing/PR field for two years. Whether it's an event, a new hire, a new product or the launch of a company, he can help any brand get media attention.