Feature stories; historical accountings; business and economic development; legal and public policy analysis
Media (radio and written publications), Legal issues embedded in local and national politics that reflect cultural and economic changes.
Michael has had articles published on a comprehensive breadth of issues:
• Feature stories on faculty of college campus
• Articles addressing national and college campus-related
• Articles in a local newspaper correlating history of the
Mid-South with present-day events
• Articles highlighting business and agricultural
developments in the Mississippi Delta.
These articles employed the inverted-triangle style of journalism to appeal to an audience of various education levels and ages.
In addition, he has conducted legal research for a Massachusetts-based attorney on the following issues:
• Domestic Relations
• Landlord/Tenant
This included drafting client letters, researching financial statements, and researching a
memorandum in opposition to a Motion to Set Aside Default Judgment.
Intensive study of military, social, and economic themes within American history beginning with the Puritan and Separatist arrival in North America through the Cold War.
Over the course of two years, Michael has written and edited articles highlighting business and agricultural developments in the Mississippi Delta. Interviews conducted over the phone consisted of inquiries into the business' formation, products, plans for expansion, competitors, and officers and employees who maintain its operations.
Michael wrote and had two articles published addressing two separate issues that intended not only to inform the student body and faculty of the relationship between the historical and legal topics studied and current affairs, but also persuade them to a particular point of view.
In the article below, Michael suggested that Congress and the Senate had failed in its duty and that the bodies should adopt a policy position through a specific constitutional act.
Throughout his years on campus at the College of the Holy Cross and Northwest Mississippi Community College, Michael wrote numerous feature stories on faculty members and students who contributed significantly to the vitality of the campus, whether academically, culturally, spiritually, or financially.
*Note* The sample below was written more than 25 years ago. Though very dated, it serves as evidence that I possess the rudimentary structure of a feature story and can produce it in a timely manner with little to no editing required. I intend to pursue a degree in Journalism in approximately one year.